9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.
1Meid suwediong uhk kahnimw likamw, kahnimw en kamarams, me diren dipwisoun kul oh lohdi nan mahwen!
2Rong! Ngilen wowoki, ngilen mehn kadahr kan, ngilen tangatang en oahs kan, ngiringirisek en werennansapw en mahwen kan!
3Soundak oahs akan poar pohn imwintihti, kedlahs kan piripir, ketieu kan linglingaling! Paliweren me mehlahr kan koasoakoasoakdahr ile, oh sohte kak wadawad-% aramas akan dipekelekel pohrail!
4Ninipe, lih suwedo aleier lokolok. Lih kaselel oh diren mesehl suwed, e kasahlielihalahr wehi kan oh kaliduwihiraillahr.
5KAUN-O, Wasa Lapalap, mahsanih, “Ninipe, I pahn kalokeiuk! I pahn kakilisouwihiukada oh mweidohng wehi kan en kilang uhk, re en kilang omw sarohdier.
6I pahn mwamwahlkinuhkala oh kidimkinuhkala samin. Aramas akan pahn masepwehkada kowahlap ni ar pahn kangkakil uhk.
7Aramas koaros me pahn kilang uhk pahn pweiekla. Re pahn nda, ‘Ninipe pwupwudier ohla! Ihs me poakehla? Ihs me pahn men kaloalamwahwihala?’ ”
9E kaunda Sudan oh Isip, sohte irepen eh manaman; Lipia me wia kompoakepah.
10Ahpw mehn Dihpes kalipilipalahr. Neirail seri kan wowokier oh kamakamalahr ni keimwen ahl koaros. Arail kaun akan selidier wisiklahr oh nehnepeseng nanpwungen me salihraildi kan.
11 Ninipe, ke pahn pil sakaula douluhl! Ke pahn pil song en pitsang omw imwintihti kan.
12Omw kelen mahwen koaros pahn duwehla tuhke pik me wah kan matehr; itik tuhkeo, oh wah kan pahn pwupwudiong nan ewomw!
14Idipada pihl pwe ke en kaunopada omw imwintihti kan ar pahn kapiluhkpene, oh kakehlahda omw kelen mahwen kan! Tiakpene pwehl weitahta pwehn wiahda lepin takai kan, oh kaunopada koakoan kan mehn wia takai pwukat!
15Sohte katepen dahnge me ke pahn wiahda, ke uhdahn pahn mehkihla kisiniei de kamakamala nan mahwen. Ke pahn sohrala duwehte wahnsahpw me pelin loukost kin kangala. Ke kaparaparala duwehte loukost kan!
16Ke kapwarehda sounnetinet me tohtohsang usu kan pahnlahng! Ahpw met re sohralahr, rasehng loukost kan me kin kapapeseng ar pehnpihr oh pipihrla.
17Noumw lapalap akan rasehng pelin loukost me kin mihmi nan kehl kan ahnsoun kopou. Ahpw ni ahnsou me ketipin kin dakada, re kin pipihrla, oh sohte me kin ese wasa me re kohla ie!
18 Nanmwarki lapalap en Asiria, sapwellimomwi kepina kan melahr, oh sapwellimomwi soupeidi kan wonohnehr pahn pwehl kohkohlahte! Sapwellimomwi aramas akan mwarahkselier pohn nahna kan, oh sohte me pahn kapwureiraildo.
19Sohte mehn kamwahwihala omwi ohla kan, oh omwi ohla kan sohte kak mwahula. Koaros me pahn rong rongen omwi mwomwlahr pahn lopwolopwki ar peren. Mie me pitsang omwi lemei me soh irepe?