18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
20 But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
1 Eri, mahwen ahpw pweida nanpwungen mehn Pilisdia oh mehn Israel nin Nahna Kilpoa. Mehn Israel tohtohie me kamakamala wasao, oh me luhwehdi ko koaros re tangdoaui.
2Mehn Pilisdia ko eri pwakihala Sohl oh sapwellime pwutak ko. Re ahpw kemehla sapwellime pwutak Sonadan, Apinadap, oh Malkisuha.
7Ni ahnsou me mehn Israel kan me mihmi palio Wahun Sesreel oh palimesehn Pillap Sordan ar esehda me karis en mehn Israel ko tangehrdoaui, oh Sohl oh sapwellime pwutak ko melahr, re tangasang nan ar kahnimw kan. Mehn Pilisdia ko ahpw uhd kohla oh kousoanla nan kahnimw ko.
8 Manda sang rahnen mahweno, mehn Pilisdia ko kohla pwe re en kihsang tehtehn mahwen ko rehn kahlep en me melahr ako. Re ahpw diarada kahlep en Sohl oh sapwellime pwutak ko ar wonohn nin Nahna Kilpoa.
9Irail eri lupukasang tapwin Sohl oh wahda, iangahki sapwellime tehtehn mahwen ko. Re ahpw pakairkihla rohng pwoatet Pilisdia-re pil kadarala meninkeder kei pwe re en pakairkihong ar koht akan oh aramas akan.
10Irail ahpw langadahng tehtehn mahwen ko nan tehnpas en koht lih Asdarde, oh pasurediong paliweren Sohl ni kelen kahnimw Ped San.
11 Eri, ni aramas en Sapes, nan Kilead, rongada duwen me mehn Pilisida ko wiahiong Sohl,
12ohl me keieu kommwad kei ahpw mweselda, re kohkohla nipwongo pwon lao lel Ped San. Re kohla oh kihdi sang kahlep en Sohl oh sapwellime pwutak ko ni kehlo. Re ahpw wahla Sapes oh isikala ie.
13Re ahpw ale tihrail ko oh sarepedi pahn tuhke damarisk pwoat nan kahnimwo. Irail eri kaisihsolki erein rahn isuh.