9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.
1 KAUN-O ahpw ketin kasalehiong ie kaudiahl wet: I patohwanehr kopwou en wahntuhke ehu.
2KAUN-O eri mahsanih, “Eimwos, dahme ke kilikilanget?” I ahpw sapeng, patohwan, “Kopwou en wahntuhke ehu, maing.” KAUN-O ahpw mahsanih, “Eri, imwilahn nei aramas en Israel kan leledohr. I sohte pahn wekidala kupwurei ong ei pahn kaloke irail.
3 Ni rahno koul kan en tehnpesen nanmwarki pahn wiahla ngilen mwahiei. Paliweren me melahr akan pahn wonohnseli wasa koaros. Re pahn lekdekla ni sohte ngihl ehu pahn pwarada.”
4 Kumwail rong met, kumwail kan me kin tiakedi me paisuwed kan oh kin song en kauwehla me semwehmwe kan en wehiet.
5Kumwail kin mengimengloalki, “Se solahr kak kanengamah awiawih rahn sarawi kan en imwisekla pwe se en netikihla at weren pilawa kan. Iahd me Rahnen Sapad pahn imwisekla, pwe se en kak kapwarehda oh netikihla at wahnsahpw akan? Se ahpw pahn kak kalaudehla pweinen dipwisou kat, doadoahngki mehn sohng likamw, widingehki mehn tenek suwed kan aramas akan.
6Se pahn netikihla wahnsahpw sakanakan kan ni pweilaud. Se pahn pil rapahkihda emen aramas semwehmwe me sohte kak kapwungala eh pweipwand, me pil sohte kak pein pwainda eh suht, oh se pahn pwainda aramaso pwe en wiahla at lidu.”
7 KAUN-O, Koht en Israel, ahpw ketin kahukihla, mahsanih, “I sohte pahn manokehla ar wiewia suwed kan.
9Ahnsou ehu pahn kohdo me I pahn kakihrala ketipin nin souwas, oh sampah pahn rotala ni rahn. Ngehi, KAUN-O, Wasa Lapalahpie, me mahmahsen.
10I pahn kawekala amwail kamadipw kaperen kan, kawekiong ni mwekid en seridi, oh wekidala amwail koul kaperen kan, wekidohng ni weriwer en pahtou. I pahn kalikawihkinkumwailda likoun nsensuwed, oh sehkasang pitenmoangamwail. Kumwail pahn duwehla sahm oh ihn me mwahmwahieiki neira pwutak iehros. Rahno e uhdahn pahn wia rahn kansensuwed ehu lel ni imwi.
11 “Eri, ahnsou ehu pahn kohdo me I pahn kadardiong pohn sahpw wet lehk lapalap. Aramas akan pahn duhpekla, ahpw kaidehk duhpek en men kang pilawa; re pahn men nimpilda, ahpw kaidehk duhpek en pihl. Pwe re pahn men tungoalehda oh nim ehu mahsen en sang rehn KAUN-O. Ngehi, KAUN-O, Wasa Lapalahpie, me mahmahsen.
12Aramas akan pahn kakahnseli wasa sang Sehden Mehla lel Sehd Mediderenien oh douluhlla pideksang paliepeng kolahng palimese. Re pahn rapahki wasa koaros ehu mahsen sang rehn KAUN-O, ahpw re sohte pahn diar.
13Ni rahno peinakapw oh mwahnakapw akan pahn lopwongmaskihla ar men nimpil.
14Irail kan me kin kahukihla dikedik en eni kan en Sameria, me kin nda, ‘Ni mwaren kohten Dan’ de ‘Ni mwaren kohten Peersepa’-iei irail pwukat me pahn pwupwudi oh sohla pwurehng pwourda.”