18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
20 But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
1Kedekedeo, ni ahnsoun dolung wahn pilawa, Samson ahpw kohla tuhwong eh pwoud, oh wa kohla kisin kuht kis. E ahpw ndaiong en serepeino eh pahpa, “I men kelehpwla rehn ei pwoudo nan eh pere.” A en serepeino eh pahpa sohte men mweidohng.
2E ahpw ndaiong Samson,“I kihkihong me ke kailongkilahr; iei me I kihongki kompoakepahmwo pwe en pwoudikihda. Ahpw rie me tikitiko masamwahusang. Ke kak ale omw pwoud.”
3 Samson ahpw nda, “Eri, ahnsou wet mehn Pilisdia kan sohte pahn kapwukoanehkin ie dahme I pahn wiahiong irail.”
4Ih eri kohla oh saikidi kidien wel 300. E ahpw salihpene pwadaikirail kan wad riemen, oh pirehiong mehnser ehu nanpwungarail.
5E ahpw isikada mehnser ko, oh sapwadada kidien wel ko nan en mehn Pilisdia ko mwetin wahn pilawao. Eri, wahn pilawa ko koaros me dondolehr ahpw mwasikala, iangahki me saikinte dondol ko. Tuhkehn olip ko pil iang mwasikala.
6Mehn Pilisdia ko eri idek, “Ihs me wiahda soahng wet?” Re ahpw diarada me Samson, pwehki en eh pwoudo eh pahpa, mehn Timna, e ale eh pwoudo oh kihong emen kompoakepah ko en pwoudikihda. Mehn Pilisdia ko eri kohla oh isikala liho e lao mehla, oh iangahki imwen eh pahpao.
7 Samson eri ndaiong irail, “Eri, ih duwen me kumwail kin wiahn men! I kahukihla me I sohte pahn tokedihsang, I lao ikih irair wet!”
8Ih eri peiong irail oh kemehla me tohto. E ahpw kohla oh mihla nan pwoahr ehu pahn paipen Etam.
9 Mehn Pilisdia ko eri kohdo oh kauwada imwarail impwal akan nan Suda, re ahpw mahweniong kahnimw Lihai.
10Mehn Suda ko eri idek rehrail, “Dahme kumwail mahmahwenkihong kiht?” Irail ahpw sapeng, nda, “Se kodohn salihedi Samson pwe se en wiahiong dahme e wiahiong kihto.”
11Mehn Suda 3,000 eri kohla ni pwoahro pahn paipen Etam oh ndahng Samson, “Ke sohte ese me mehn Pilisdia kan iei irail me kakaun kiht? Dahme ke wiahiong kiht?” A e ahpw sapeng irail, nda, “I wiahiong irail me re wiahiong ie.”
12 Irail ahpw ndahng, “Se kodohn salihukedi, pwe se pahn panguhkalahng rehn mehn Pilisdia kan.” Samson eri sapeng irail, nda, “Kumwail kahukihla me kumwail sohte pahn pein kemeiehla.”
13 Irail ahpw nda, “Soh! Se pahn salihukedihte, oh waiukala rehrail. Se sohte pahn kemeiukala.” Irail eri salihekihdi sahl kapw riapwoat oh kahrehla sang pahn paipo.
14 Ni eh lel Lihai, mehn Pilisdia ko ahpw tangpenehng oh weriwer. Manaman en KAUN-O ahpw kakehlailihala, Samson eri kamweidpeseng sahl me sansalih peh ko, rasehng dereht me inihnehr.
15E ahpw diarada lapalahn tihn dilin aupahn ahs emen. E ahpw poarohngete, kemehkihla aramas kid.
17Mwuhr, e ahpw kesehla tiho. Wasao eri adanekihla Ramad Lihai.
18 Samson eri men nimpilda, e ahpw likweriong KAUN-O oh patohwanohng, “Maing, komwi me ketikihong ie roson en powehdi wet; met I mehkilahr ei men nimpil, oh I pahn lohdier pahn manaman en mehn Pilisdia rotorot pwukat.”
19Koht eri ketin kasarapeseng wasa kis nan pwelen Lihai, pihl ahpw kusdahsang. Samson eri nim pihlo, oh tapihada nsenamwahula. Utuhnpihlo eri adanekihla Akkore; oh pihlo mihmihte wasao lel rahnwet.
20 Samson eri kaweidehr Israel erein sounpar 20 ni mwehin mehn Pilisdia ko.