18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
20 But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
2Aramas kin weirada mete sang pahn pwehl Oh inim takai oh kapeieisang kahper loale.
3Aramas kin lel wasa me keieu rotorot pahn pwehl. Re kin wie roporop lellahng pahn kepin sampah Oh weirada takai sang wasa rotorot.
4Dohsang wasa me aramas kin kousoan ie De wasa me nehn aramas saikinte sok ie Aramas kin weirada pwoahr loal kan pwe re en rapahki takai kesempwal kan. Re kin wie doadoahk nan ar sangat, Doudouki sahl nan pwoahr akan.
5Kisin mwenge kin wosada sang nin sampah, Ahpw pil pahn kepin sampahohte Soahng koaros kin ohla oh mwutpene.
6Sapair kin aude takai kan en sampah, Oh kohl nan pwelpar.
7Sohte likoht kin kilang elen kolahng wasahn dipwisou kesempwal pwukat, Oh sohte puldur kin pihr wasa pwuko.
8Sohte laion de mahn kommwad Kin alu nan ahl tehn pwukat.
9Aramas kin weirada takai me keieu teng, Weirada nahna kan leldilahng pahn kapi.
10Ni ar kin weweir pwoahr kohla nan takai kan, Re kin diarada kisin takai kesempwal akan.
11Re kin weiredi lel pahn kepin pihl akan Oh kin walahng nan marain dahme rir.
12Ahpw ia wasa me aramas kak diar ie kupwurokong? Ia wasa me kitail kak padahngki ie duwen dehdehki?
13Kupwurokong sohte kak dierek nanpwungen aramas akan; Sohte me ese ia uwen kesempwalpe.
14Pahn kepin madau oh sehd kan Koasoia me sohte kupwurokong kak dierek wasa pwuko.
15Sohte me kak pwainkihda silper de kohl.
16Kohl oh kisin takai me keieu kaselel Sohte pahrekiong kesempwalpe.
17E inenen kesempwal sang kohl, Sang kep en kohl oh kilahs kaselel.
18Kupwurokong kesempwal sang Audepen madau lingan kan de krisdal de rupi kan.
19Topas me keieu kaselel oh kohl keieu mwakelekel Sohte kak pahrekiong kesempwal en kupwurokong.
20Eri, ia poahsoan en kupwurokong? Ia wasa me kitail kak padahngki ie duwen dehdehki?
21Sohte mehkot mour kak kilang, Pil menpihr me pipihrseli kan sohte kak kilang.
22Pil mehla oh mwomwla Koasoia me ira rongorongete koasoiepe.
23Koht kelehpw me mwahngih ahlo, Mwahngih wasa me kupwurokong mihmi ie,