1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
1 “As vaD jIH, Daq the wa'Dich DIS vo' Darius the Mede, jIH Qampu' Dung Daq confirm je strengthen ghaH.
2 DaH DichDaq jIH cha' SoH the vIt. yIlegh, pa' DIchDaq Qam Dung yet wej joHpu' Daq Persia; je the fourth DIchDaq taH Hop richer than chaH Hoch: je ghorgh ghaH ghajtaH grown HoS vegh Daj riches, ghaH DIchDaq stir Dung Hoch Daq the realm vo' Greece.
3 A HoS joH DIchDaq Qam Dung, 'Iv DIchDaq rule tlhej Dun dominion, je ta' according Daq Daj DichDaq.
4 ghorgh ghaH DIchDaq Qam Dung, Daj kingdom DIchDaq taH ghorta', je DIchDaq taH divided toward the loS winds vo' the sky, 'ach ghobe' Daq Daj posterity, ghobe' according Daq Daj dominion tlhej nuq ghaH ruled; vaD Daj kingdom DIchDaq taH plucked Dung, 'ach vaD others je Dochvammey.
5 The joH vo' the pemHov poS DIchDaq taH HoS, je wa' vo' Daj joHHom; je ghaH DIchDaq taH HoS Dung ghaH, je ghaj dominion; Daj dominion DIchDaq taH a Dun dominion.
6 Daq the pItlh vo' DISmey chaH DIchDaq join themselves tay'; je the puqbe' vo' the joH vo' the pemHov poS DIchDaq ghoS Daq the joH vo' the pemHov nIH Daq chenmoH an Qochbe'ghach: 'ach ghaH DIchDaq ghobe' retain the HoS vo' Daj arm; ghobe' DIchDaq ghaH Qam, ghobe' Daj arm; 'ach ghaH DIchDaq taH nobpu' Dung, je chaH 'Iv qempu' Daj, je ghaH 'Iv mojta' the vav vo' Daj, je ghaH 'Iv strengthened Daj Daq chaH poHmey.
7 'ach pa' vo' a shoot vo' Daj roots DIchDaq wa' Qam Dung Daq Daj Daq, 'Iv DIchDaq ghoS Daq the army, je DIchDaq 'el Daq the yoDjuH'a' vo' the joH vo' the pemHov nIH, je DIchDaq Da Daq chaH, je DIchDaq prevail.
8 je chaj Qunpu', tlhej chaj molten images, je tlhej chaj goodly Dujmey vo' baS chIS je vo' SuD baS, DIchDaq ghaH carry captive Daq Egypt; je ghaH DIchDaq refrain 'op DISmey vo' the joH vo' the pemHov nIH.
9 ghaH DIchDaq ghoS Daq the realm vo' the joH vo' the pemHov poS, 'ach ghaH DIchDaq chegh Daq Daj ghaj puH.
10 Daj puqloDpu' DIchDaq veS, je DIchDaq assemble a qevmey vo' Dun forces, nuq DIchDaq ghoS Daq, je overflow, je juS vegh; je chaH DIchDaq chegh je veS, 'ach Daq Daj yoDjuH'a'.
11 The joH vo' the pemHov poS DIchDaq taH vIHta' tlhej QeH, je DIchDaq ghoS vo' je Suv tlhej ghaH, 'ach tlhej the joH vo' the pemHov nIH; je ghaH DIchDaq cher vo' a Dun qevmey, je the qevmey DIchDaq taH nobpu' Daq Daj ghop.
12 The qevmey DIchDaq taH qengta' Dung, je Daj tIq DIchDaq taH exalted; je ghaH DIchDaq chuH bIng wa'maHmey vo' SaDmey, 'ach ghaH DIchDaq ghobe' prevail.
13 The joH vo' the pemHov nIH DIchDaq chegh, je DIchDaq cher vo' a qevmey greater than the former; je ghaH DIchDaq ghoS Daq Daq the pItlh vo' the poHmey, 'ach vo' DISmey, tlhej a Dun army je tlhej 'ar substance.
14 Daq chaH poHmey pa' DIchDaq law' Qam Dung Daq the joH vo' the pemHov poS: je the puqpu' vo' the violent among lIj ghotpu DIchDaq lift themselves Dung Daq establish the leghtaHghach; 'ach chaH DIchDaq pum.
15 vaj the joH vo' the pemHov nIH DIchDaq ghoS, je chuH Dung a mound, je tlhap a QaQ-fortified veng: je the forces vo' the pemHov poS DIchDaq ghobe' Qam, ghobe' Daj wIvpu' ghotpu, ghobe' DIchDaq pa' taH vay' HoS Daq Qam.
16 'ach ghaH 'Iv choltaH Daq ghaH DIchDaq ta' according Daq Daj ghaj DichDaq, je pagh DIchDaq Qam qaSpa' ghaH; je ghaH DIchDaq Qam Daq the glorious puH, je Daq Daj ghop DIchDaq taH QIH.
17 ghaH DIchDaq cher Daj qab Daq ghoS tlhej the HoS vo' Daj Hoch kingdom, je tlhej ghaH equitable conditions; je ghaH DIchDaq perform chaH: je ghaH DIchDaq nob ghaH the puqbe' vo' taH'pu', Daq corrupt Daj; 'ach ghaH DIchDaq ghobe' Qam, ghobe' be vaD ghaH.
18 After vam DIchDaq ghaH tlhe' Daj qab Daq the islands, je DIchDaq tlhap law': 'ach a joHHom DIchDaq cause the reproach nobta' Sum ghaH Daq mev; HIja', moreover, ghaH DIchDaq cause Daj reproach Daq tlhe' Daq ghaH.
19 vaj ghaH DIchDaq tlhe' Daj qab toward the fortresses vo' Daj ghaj puH; 'ach ghaH DIchDaq stumble je pum, je DIchDaq ghobe' taH tu'ta'.
20 vaj DIchDaq Qam Dung Daq Daj Daq wa' 'Iv DIchDaq cause a tax collector Daq juS vegh the kingdom Daq maintain its batlh; 'ach within few jajmey ghaH DIchDaq taH Qaw'ta', ghobe' Daq QeH, ghobe' Daq may'.
21 Daq Daj Daq DIchDaq Qam Dung a contemptible person, Daq 'Iv chaH ghajta' ghobe' nobpu' the quv vo' the kingdom: 'ach ghaH DIchDaq ghoS Daq poH vo' security, je DIchDaq obtain the kingdom Sum flatteries.
22 The overwhelming forces DIchDaq taH overwhelmed vo' qaSpa' ghaH, je DIchDaq taH ghorta'; HIja', je the joHHom vo' the lay'.
23 After the league chenmoHta' tlhej ghaH ghaH DIchDaq vum deceitfully; vaD ghaH DIchDaq ghoS Dung, je DIchDaq moj HoS, tlhej a mach ghotpu.
24 Daq poH vo' security DIchDaq ghaH ghoS 'ach Daq the fattest Daqmey vo' the province; je ghaH DIchDaq ta' vetlh nuq Daj vavpu' ghaj ghobe' ta'pu', ghobe' Daj vavpu'' fathers; ghaH DIchDaq scatter among chaH prey, je non, je substance: HIja', ghaH DIchDaq devise Daj devices Daq the strongholds, 'ach vaD a poH.
25 ghaH DIchDaq stir Dung Daj HoS je Daj courage Daq the joH vo' the pemHov poS tlhej a Dun army; je the joH vo' the pemHov poS DIchDaq veS Daq may' tlhej an exceeding Dun je HoS army; 'ach ghaH DIchDaq ghobe' Qam; vaD chaH DIchDaq devise devices Daq ghaH.
26 HIja', chaH 'Iv Sop vo' Daj dainties DIchDaq Qaw' ghaH, je Daj army DIchDaq overflow; je law' DIchDaq pum bIng Heghta'.
27 As vaD both Dochvammey joHpu', chaj tIQDu' DIchDaq taH Daq ta' mischief, je chaH DIchDaq jatlh lies Daq wa' SopDaq: 'ach 'oH DIchDaq ghobe' chep; vaD yet the pItlh DIchDaq taH Daq the poH wIv.
28 vaj DIchDaq ghaH chegh Daq Daj puH tlhej Dun substance; je Daj tIq DIchDaq taH Daq the le' lay'; je ghaH DIchDaq ta' Daj pleasure, je chegh Daq Daj ghaj puH.
29 Daq the poH wIv ghaH DIchDaq chegh, je ghoS Daq the pemHov poS; 'ach 'oH DIchDaq ghobe' taH Daq the latter poH as 'oH ghaHta' Daq the former.
30 vaD ships vo' Kittim DIchDaq ghoS Daq ghaH; vaj ghaH DIchDaq taH grieved, je DIchDaq chegh, je ghaj indignation Daq the le' lay', je DIchDaq ta' Daj pleasure: ghaH DIchDaq 'ach chegh, je ghaj regard Daq chaH 'Iv lon the le' lay'.
31 Forces DIchDaq Qam Daq Daj part, je chaH DIchDaq profane the Daq QaD, 'ach the yoDjuH'a', je DIchDaq tlhap DoH the continual meQqu'pu' cha'nob, je chaH DIchDaq cher Dung the qabqu'boghghach vetlh chen moB.
32 Such as ta' wickedly Daq the lay' DIchDaq ghaH pervert Sum flatteries; 'ach the ghotpu 'Iv Sov chaj joH'a' DIchDaq taH HoS, je ta' exploits.
33 chaH 'Iv 'oH val among the ghotpu DIchDaq instruct law'; yet chaH DIchDaq pum Sum the 'etlh je Sum flame, Sum captivity je Sum non, law' jajmey.
35 'op vo' chaH 'Iv 'oH val DIchDaq pum, Daq refine chaH, je Daq purify, je Daq chenmoH chaH chIS, 'ach Daq the poH vo' the pItlh; because 'oH ghaH yet vaD the poH wIv.
36 The joH DIchDaq ta' according Daq Daj DichDaq; je ghaH DIchDaq exalt himself, je magnify himself Dung Hoch joH'a', je DIchDaq jatlh marvelous Dochmey Daq the joH'a' vo' Qunpu'; je ghaH DIchDaq chep until the indignation taH accomplished; vaD vetlh nuq ghaH determined DIchDaq taH ta'pu'.
37 ghobe' DIchDaq ghaH regard the Qunpu' vo' Daj vavpu', ghobe' the neH vo' be'pu', ghobe' regard vay' joH'a'; vaD ghaH DIchDaq magnify himself Dung Hoch.
38 'ach Daq Daj Daq DIchDaq ghaH quv the joH'a' vo' fortresses; je a joH'a' 'Iv Daj vavpu' ta'be' Sov DIchDaq ghaH quv tlhej SuD baS, je baS chIS, je tlhej precious naghmey, je bel Dochmey.
39 ghaH DIchDaq Da tlhej the strongest fortresses Sum the QaH vo' a foreign joH'a': 'Iv acknowledges ghaH ghaH DichDaq increase tlhej batlh; je ghaH DIchDaq cause chaH Daq rule Dung law', je DIchDaq divide the puH vaD a price.
40 Daq the poH vo' the pItlh DIchDaq the joH vo' the pemHov poS contend tlhej ghaH; je the joH vo' the pemHov nIH DIchDaq ghoS Daq ghaH rur a whirlwind, tlhej Dujmey, je tlhej horsemen, je tlhej law' ships; je ghaH DIchDaq 'el Daq the countries, je DIchDaq overflow je juS vegh.
41 ghaH DIchDaq 'el je Daq the glorious puH, je law' countries DIchDaq taH lujqu'pu'; 'ach Dochvammey DIchDaq taH toDta' pa' vo' Daj ghop: Edom, je Moab, je the pIn vo' the puqpu' vo' Ammon.
42 ghaH DIchDaq stretch vo' Daj ghop je Daq the countries; je the puH vo' Egypt DIchDaq ghobe' escape.
43 'ach ghaH DIchDaq ghaj HoS Dung the treasures vo' SuD baS je vo' baS chIS, je Dung Hoch the precious Dochmey vo' Egypt; je the Libyans je the Ethiopians DIchDaq taH Daq Daj steps.
44 'ach news pa' vo' the pemHov 'o' je pa' vo' the pemHov nIH DIchDaq Seng ghaH; je ghaH DIchDaq jaH vo' tlhej Dun fury Daq Qaw' je utterly Daq sweep DoH law'.
45 ghaH DIchDaq plant the tents vo' Daj palace joj the biQ'a' je the glorious le' HuD; yet ghaH DIchDaq ghoS Daq Daj pItlh, je pagh DIchDaq QaH ghaH.