1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
1 qaw je lIj Creator Daq the jajmey vo' lIj youth, qaSpa' the mIghtaHghach jajmey ghoS, je the DISmey draw Sum, ghorgh SoH DichDaq jatlh, “ jIH ghaj ghobe' pleasure Daq chaH;”
2 qaSpa' the pemHov, the wov, the maS, je the stars 'oH darkened, je the clouds chegh after the rain;
3 Daq the jaj ghorgh the keepers vo' the tuq DIchDaq tremble, je the HoS loDpu' DIchDaq bow themselves, je the grinders mev because chaH 'oH few, je chaH 'Iv legh pa' vo' the windows 'oH darkened,
4 je the doors DIchDaq taH shut Daq the street; ghorgh the wab vo' the grinding ghaH low, je wa' DIchDaq Hu' Dung Daq the ghogh vo' a toQ, je Hoch the puqbe'pu' vo' music DIchDaq taH qempu' low;
5 HIja', chaH DIchDaq taH vIp vo' heights, je terrors DichDaq taH Daq the way; je the almond Sor DIchDaq blossom, je the grasshopper DIchDaq taH a burden, je neH DIchDaq fail; because loD goes Daq Daj everlasting home, je the mourners jaH about the streets:
6 qaSpa' the baS chIS cord ghaH severed, joq the golden bowl ghaH ghorta', joq the pitcher ghaH ghorta' Daq the spring, joq the wheel ghorta' Daq the cistern,
7 je the dust returns Daq the tera' as 'oH ghaHta', je the qa' returns Daq joH'a' 'Iv nobta' 'oH.
8 Vanity vo' vanities, jatlhtaH the Preacher. Hoch ghaH vanity!
9 Further, because the Preacher ghaHta' val, ghaH vIHHa' taught the ghotpu Sov. HIja', ghaH pondered, nejta' pa', je cher Daq order law' proverbs.
10 The Preacher nejta' Daq tu' pa' acceptable mu'mey, je vetlh nuq ghaHta' ghItlhta' blamelessly, mu'mey vo' vIt.
11 The mu'mey vo' the val 'oH rur goads; je rur nails QaQ fastened 'oH mu'mey vo' the masters vo' yejmey, nuq 'oH nobpu' vo' wa' DevwI'.
12 Furthermore, wIj puqloD, taH admonished: vo' making law' paqmey pa' ghaH ghobe' pItlh; je 'ar study ghaH a weariness vo' the ghab.
13 vam ghaH the pItlh vo' the matter. Hoch ghajtaH taH Qoyta'. taHvIp joH'a', je pol Daj ra'ta'ghach mu'mey; vaD vam ghaH the Hoch duty vo' loD.