1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
1 Finally, wIj loDnI'pu', yItIv Daq the joH. Daq write the rap Dochmey Daq SoH, Daq jIH indeed ghaH ghobe' tiresome, 'ach vaD SoH 'oH ghaH safe.
2 Beware vo' the dogs, beware vo' the mIghtaHghach workers, beware vo' the false circumcision.
3 vaD maH 'oH the circumcision, 'Iv lalDan toy' joH'a' Daq the qa', je yItIv Daq Christ Jesus, je ghaj ghobe' confidence Daq the ghab;
4 'a' jIH jIH'egh might ghaj confidence 'ach Daq the ghab. chugh vay' latlh loD thinks vetlh ghaH ghajtaH confidence Daq the ghab, jIH yet latlh:
5 circumcised the eighth jaj, vo' the stock vo' Israel, vo' the tuq vo' Benjamin, a Hebrew vo' Hebrews; concerning the chut, a Pharisee;
6 concerning zeal, persecuting the yej; concerning the QaQtaHghach nuq ghaH Daq the chut, tu'ta' blameless.
7 However, nuq Dochmey were gain Daq jIH, Dochvammey ghaj jIH counted loss vaD Christ.
8 HIja' HochHom certainly, je jIH count Hoch Dochmey Daq taH loss vaD the excellency vo' the Sov vo' Christ Jesus, wIj joH, vaD 'Iv jIH suffered the loss vo' Hoch Dochmey, je count chaH pagh 'ach Qo', vetlh jIH may gain Christ
9 je taH tu'ta' Daq ghaH, ghobe' ghajtaH a QaQtaHghach vo' wIj ghaj, vetlh nuq ghaH vo' the chut, 'ach vetlh nuq ghaH vegh HartaHghach Daq Christ, the QaQtaHghach nuq ghaH vo' joH'a' Sum HartaHghach;
10 vetlh jIH may Sov ghaH, je the HoS vo' Daj resurrection, je the fellowship vo' Daj sufferings, becoming conformed Daq Daj Hegh;
11 chugh Sum vay' means jIH may attain Daq the resurrection vo' the Heghpu'.
12 ghobe' vetlh jIH ghaj already obtained, joq 'oH already chenmoHta' perfect; 'ach jIH press Daq, chugh 'oH ghaH vaj vetlh jIH may tlhap 'uch vo' vetlh vaD nuq je jIH ghaHta' tlhappu' 'uch vo' Sum Christ Jesus.
13 loDnI'pu', jIH yImev regard jIH'egh as yet ghajtaH tlhappu' 'uch, 'ach wa' Doch jIH ta'. Forgetting the Dochmey nuq 'oH behind, je stretching forward Daq the Dochmey nuq 'oH qaSpa',
14 jIH press Daq toward the goal vaD the prize vo' the jen ja'taH vo' joH'a' Daq Christ Jesus.
15 chaw' maH vaj, as law' as 'oH perfect, think vam way. chugh Daq vay' SoH think otherwise, joH'a' DichDaq je reveal vetlh Daq SoH.
16 Nevertheless, Daq the extent vetlh maH ghaj already attained, chaw' maH yIt Sum the rap rule. chaw' maH taH vo' the rap yab.
17 loDnI'pu', taH imitators tay' vo' jIH, je note chaH 'Iv yIt vam way, 'ach as SoH ghaj maH vaD an example.
18 vaD law' yIt, vo' 'Iv jIH ja'ta' SoH often, je DaH ja' SoH 'ach weeping, as the jaghpu' vo' the cross vo' Christ,
19 'Iv pItlh ghaH QIH, 'Iv joH'a' ghaH the chor, je 'Iv batlh ghaH Daq chaj tuH, 'Iv think about earthly Dochmey.
20 vaD maj citizenship ghaH Daq chal, vo' nuqDaq maH je loS vaD a toDwI', the joH Jesus Christ;
21 'Iv DichDaq change the porgh vo' maj humiliation Daq taH conformed Daq the porgh vo' Daj batlh, according Daq the working Sum nuq ghaH ghaH laH 'ach Daq subject Hoch Dochmey Daq himself.