3 vaD maH were je once foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving various lusts je pleasures, yIntaH Daq malice je envy, hateful, je hating wa' another.
4 'ach ghorgh the pung vo' joH'a' maj toDwI' je Daj muSHa' toward mankind appeared,
5 ghobe' Sum vum vo' QaQtaHghach, nuq maH ta'ta' ourselves, 'ach according Daq Daj pung, ghaH toDpu' maH, vegh the washing vo' regeneration je renewing Sum the le' qa',
6 'Iv ghaH poured pa' Daq maH richly, vegh Jesus Christ maj toDwI';
7 vetlh, taH justified Sum Daj grace, maH might taH chenmoHta' heirs according Daq the tul vo' eternal yIn.
8 vam ja'ta' ghaH voqmoH, je concerning Dochvammey Dochmey jIH neH vetlh SoH affirm confidently, vaj vetlh chaH 'Iv ghaj Harta' joH'a' may taH careful Daq maintain QaQ vum. Dochvammey Dochmey 'oH QaQ je profitable Daq loDpu';
9 'ach shun foolish questionings, genealogies, strife, je disputes about the chut; vaD chaH 'oH unprofitable je lI'be'.
10 Avoid a factious loD after a wa'Dich je cha'DIch warning;
11 knowing vetlh such a wa' ghaH perverted, je yemmey, taH self-condemned.
12 ghorgh jIH ngeH Artemas Daq SoH, joq Tychicus, taH diligent Daq ghoS Daq jIH Daq Nicopolis, vaD jIH ghaj determined Daq winter pa'.
13 ngeH Zenas, the lawyer, je Apollos Daq chaj journey speedily, vetlh pagh may taH lacking vaD chaH.
14 chaw' maj ghotpu je ghoj Daq maintain QaQ vum vaD necessary uses, vetlh chaH may ghobe' taH unfruitful.