1 jIH exhort the quppu' among SoH, as a fellow elder, je a witness vo' the sufferings vo' Christ, je 'Iv DichDaq je share Daq the batlh vetlh DichDaq taH 'angta'.
2 DevwI' the flock vo' joH'a' nuq ghaH among SoH, exercising the oversight, ghobe' bIng compulsion, 'ach voluntarily, ghobe' vaD dishonest gain, 'ach willingly;
3 ghobe' as lording 'oH Dung chaH entrusted Daq SoH, 'ach making tlhIH'egh examples Daq the flock.
4 ghorgh the pIn DevwI' ghaH 'angta', SoH DichDaq Hev the crown vo' batlh vetlh ta'be' fade DoH.