1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
6 Hutlh HartaHghach 'oH ghaH DuHHa' Daq taH QaQ pleasing Daq ghaH, vaD ghaH 'Iv choltaH Daq joH'a' must Har vetlh ghaH exists, je vetlh ghaH ghaH a rewarder vo' chaH 'Iv nej ghaH.
7 Sum HartaHghach, Noah, taH warned about Dochmey ghobe' yet leghpu', vIHta' tlhej godly taHvIp, { Note: joq, reverence } prepared a Duj vaD the saving vo' Daj tuq, vegh nuq ghaH condemned the qo', je mojta' heir vo' the QaQtaHghach nuq ghaH according Daq HartaHghach.
8 Sum HartaHghach, Abraham, ghorgh ghaH ghaHta' ja', obeyed Daq jaH pa' Daq the Daq nuq ghaH ghaHta' Daq Hev vaD an inheritance. ghaH mejta' pa', ghobe' knowing nuqDaq ghaH mejta'.
9 Sum HartaHghach, ghaH yInta' as an alien Daq the puH vo' promise, as Daq a puH ghobe' Daj ghaj, dwelling Daq tents, tlhej Isaac je Jacob, the heirs tlhej ghaH vo' the rap promise.
10 vaD ghaH nejta' vaD the veng nuq ghajtaH the foundations, 'Iv builder je maker ghaH joH'a'.
11 Sum HartaHghach, 'ach Sarah herself Hevta' HoS Daq conceive, je ghaH boghmoH a puq ghorgh ghaH ghaHta' past age, since ghaH counted ghaH voqmoH 'Iv ghajta' promised.
12 vaj as law' as the stars vo' the sky Daq qevmey, je as innumerable as the sand nuq ghaH Sum the biQ'a' shore, were fathered Sum wa' loD, je ghaH as QaQ as Heghpu'.
13 Dochvammey Hoch Heghta' Daq HartaHghach, ghobe' ghajtaH Hevta' the promises, 'ach ghajtaH leghpu' { Note: TR cheltaH “ je taH convinced vo'” } chaH je embraced chaH vo' afar, je ghajtaH confessed vetlh chaH were novpu' je pilgrims Daq the tera'.
14 vaD chaH 'Iv jatlh such Dochmey chenmoH 'oH clear vetlh chaH 'oH seeking a Hatlh vo' chaj ghaj.
19 concluding vetlh joH'a' ghaH laH Daq raise Dung 'ach vo' the Heghpu'. Figuratively speaking, ghaH je ta'ta' Hev ghaH DoH vo' the Heghpu'.
20 Sum HartaHghach, Isaac ghurtaH Jacob je Esau, 'ach concerning Dochmey Daq ghoS.
21 Sum HartaHghach, Jacob, ghorgh ghaH ghaHta' dying, ghurtaH each vo' the puqloDpu' vo' Joseph, je worshiped, leaning Daq the top vo' Daj naQ.
22 Sum HartaHghach, Joseph, ghorgh Daj pItlh ghaHta' Sum, chenmoHta' mention vo' the departure vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel; je nobta' instructions concerning Daj HomDu'.
23 Sum HartaHghach, Moses, ghorgh ghaH ghaHta' bogh, ghaHta' hidden vaD wej months Sum Daj parents, because chaH leghta' vetlh ghaH ghaHta' a 'IH puq, je chaH were ghobe' vIp vo' the joH ra'ta'ghach mu'.
24 Sum HartaHghach, Moses, ghorgh ghaH ghajta' grown Dung, refused Daq taH ja' the puqloD vo' Pharaoh's puqbe',
25 choosing rather Daq share ill treatment tlhej joH'a' ghotpu, than Daq enjoy the pleasures vo' yem vaD a poH;
26 accounting the reproach vo' Christ greater riches than the treasures vo' Egypt; vaD ghaH nejta' Daq the pop.
27 Sum HartaHghach, ghaH poS Egypt, ghobe' fearing the QeHpu' vo' the joH; vaD ghaH endured, as leghtaH ghaH 'Iv ghaH invisible.
28 Sum HartaHghach, ghaH polta' the Passover, je the sprinkling vo' the 'Iw, vetlh the destroyer vo' the firstborn should ghobe' touch chaH.
29 Sum HartaHghach, chaH juSta' vegh the Doq biQ'a' as Daq dry puH. ghorgh the Egyptians tried Daq ta' vaj, chaH were swallowed Dung.
30 Sum HartaHghach, the walls vo' Jericho pumta' bIng, after chaH ghajta' taH encircled vaD Soch jajmey.
31 Sum HartaHghach, Rahab the naybe'wI', ta'be' chIlqu' tlhej chaH 'Iv were disobedient, ghajtaH Hevta' the spies Daq roj.
32 nuq latlh DIchDaq jIH jatlh? vaD the poH would fail jIH chugh jIH ja'ta' vo' Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, je the leghwI'pu';
33 'Iv, vegh HartaHghach subdued kingdoms, worked pa' QaQtaHghach, obtained promises, stopped the mouths vo' lions, { Note: Daniel 6:22-23 }
34 quenched the HoS vo' qul, { Note: Daniel 3:1-30 } escaped the edge vo' the 'etlh, { Note: 1 joHpu' 19:1-3; 2 joHpu' 6:31-7:20 } vo' weakness were chenmoHta' HoS, grew HoS Daq veS, je caused foreign armies Daq Haw'.
35 be'pu' Hevta' chaj Heghpu' Sum resurrection. { Note: 1 joHpu' 19:1-3; 2 joHpu' 6:31-7:20 } Others were tortured, ghobe' accepting chaj deliverance, vetlh chaH might obtain a better resurrection.
36 Others were tried Sum mocking je scourging, HIja', moreover Sum bonds je imprisonment.
37 chaH were stoned. { Note: 2 Chronicles 24:20-21 } chaH were sawn apart. chaH were tempted. chaH were Heghta' tlhej the 'etlh. { Note: Jeremiah 26:20-23; 1 joHpu' 19:10 } chaH mejta' around Daq Suy' DirDu' je Daq goat DirDu'; taH destitute, afflicted, ill-treated
38 ( vo' 'Iv the qo' ghaHta' ghobe' worthy), wandering Daq deserts, Hudmey, caves, je the holes vo' the tera'.
39 Dochvammey Hoch, ghajtaH ghajta' testimony nobpu' Daq chaH vegh chaj HartaHghach, ta'be' Hev the promise,
40 joH'a' ghajtaH provided 'op better Doch concerning maH, vaj vetlh apart vo' maH chaH should ghobe' taH chenmoHta' perfect.