1 joH'a', maj joH, chay' majestic ghaH lIj pong Daq Hoch the tera', 'Iv ghajtaH cher lIj batlh Dung the chal!
2 vo' the wuSDu' vo' ghupu' je infants SoH ghaj established HoS, because vo' lIj jaghpu', vetlh SoH might tammoH the jagh je the avenger.
3 ghorgh jIH qel lIj chal, the vum vo' lIj fingers, the maS je the stars, nuq SoH ghaj ordained;
4 nuq ghaH loD, vetlh SoH think vo' ghaH? nuq ghaH the puqloD vo' loD, vetlh SoH care vaD ghaH?
5 vaD SoH ghaj chenmoHta' ghaH a mach lower than joH'a', { Note: Hebrew: Elohim. The mu' Elohim, used naDev, usually means “ joH'a',” 'ach laH je mean “ Qunpu',” “ joHHom,” joq “ Duy''a'pu'.” } je crowned ghaH tlhej batlh je quv.
6 SoH chenmoH ghaH ruler Dung the vum vo' lIj ghopmey. SoH ghaj lan Hoch Dochmey bIng Daj qamDu':
7 Hoch Suy' je cattle, HIja', je the Ha'DIbaH vo' the yotlh,
8 The toQmey vo' the sky, the fish vo' the biQ'a', je whatever passes vegh the Hemey vo' the seas.
9 joH'a', maj joH, chay' majestic ghaH lIj pong Daq Hoch the tera'!