1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
1 Shephatiah the puqloD vo' Mattan, je Gedaliah the puqloD vo' Pashhur, je Jucal the puqloD vo' Shelemiah, je Pashhur the puqloD vo' Malchijah, Qoyta' the mu'mey vetlh Jeremiah jatlhta' Daq Hoch the ghotpu, ja'ta',
2 Thus jatlhtaH joH'a', ghaH 'Iv remains Daq vam veng DIchDaq Hegh Sum the 'etlh, Sum the famine, je Sum the rop'a'; 'ach ghaH 'Iv goes vo' Daq the Chaldeans DIchDaq yIn, je Daj yIn DIchDaq taH Daq ghaH vaD a prey, je ghaH DIchDaq yIn.
3 Thus jatlhtaH joH'a', vam veng DIchDaq DIch taH nobpu' Daq the ghop vo' the army vo' the joH vo' Babylon, je ghaH DIchDaq tlhap 'oH.
4 vaj the joHHom ja'ta' Daq the joH, chaw' vam loD, maH tlhob SoH, taH lan Daq Hegh; because ghaH weakens the ghopmey vo' the loDpu' vo' veS 'Iv remain Daq vam veng, je the ghopmey vo' Hoch the ghotpu, Daq speaking such mu'mey Daq chaH: vaD vam loD ta'be' nej the welfare vo' vam ghotpu, 'ach the hurt.
5 Zedekiah the joH ja'ta', yIlegh, ghaH ghaH Daq lIj ghop; vaD the joH ghaH ghobe' ghaH 'Iv laH ta' vay' Daq SoH.
6 vaj tlhapta' chaH Jeremiah, je chuH ghaH Daq the dungeon vo' Malchijah the joH puqloD, vetlh ghaHta' Daq the bo'DIj vo' the guard: je chaH chaw' bIng Jeremiah tlhej cords. Daq the dungeon pa' ghaHta' ghobe' bIQ, 'ach mire; je Jeremiah sank Daq the mire.
7 DaH ghorgh Ebedmelech the Ethiopian, a eunuch, 'Iv ghaHta' Daq the joH tuq, Qoyta' vetlh chaH ghajta' lan Jeremiah Daq the dungeon (the joH vaj sitting Daq the lojmIt vo' Benjamin),
8 Ebedmelech mejta' vo' pa' vo' the joH tuq, je jatlhta' Daq the joH, ja'ta',
9 wIj joH the joH, Dochvammey loDpu' ghaj ta'pu' mIghtaHghach Daq Hoch vetlh chaH ghaj ta'pu' Daq Jeremiah the leghwI'pu', 'Iv chaH ghaj chuH Daq the dungeon; je ghaH ghaH likely Daq Hegh Daq the Daq nuqDaq ghaH ghaH, because vo' the famine; vaD pa' ghaH ghobe' latlh tIr Soj Daq the veng.
10 vaj the joH ra'ta' Ebedmelech the Ethiopian, ja'ta', tlhap vo' hence wejmaH loDpu' tlhej SoH, je tlhap Dung Jeremiah the leghwI'pu' pa' vo' the dungeon, qaSpa' ghaH dies.
11 vaj Ebedmelech tlhapta' the loDpu' tlhej ghaH, je mejta' Daq the tuq vo' the joH bIng the treasury, je tlhapta' pa' rags je worn- pa' garments, je chaw' chaH bIng Sum cords Daq the dungeon Daq Jeremiah.
12 Ebedmelech the Ethiopian ja'ta' Daq Jeremiah, lan DaH Dochvammey rags je worn- pa' garments bIng lIj armpits bIng the cords. Jeremiah ta'ta' vaj.
13 vaj chaH drew Dung Jeremiah tlhej the cords, je tlhapta' ghaH Dung pa' vo' the dungeon: je Jeremiah remained Daq the bo'DIj vo' the guard.
14 vaj Zedekiah the joH ngeHta', je tlhapta' Jeremiah the leghwI'pu' Daq ghaH Daq the wejDIch entry vetlh ghaH Daq the tuq vo' joH'a': je the joH ja'ta' Daq Jeremiah, jIH DichDaq tlhob SoH something. So' pagh vo' jIH.
15 vaj Jeremiah ja'ta' Daq Zedekiah, chugh jIH declare 'oH Daq SoH, DichDaq SoH ghobe' DIch lan jIH Daq Hegh? je chugh jIH nob SoH qeS, SoH DichDaq ghobe' 'Ij Daq jIH.
16 vaj Zedekiah the joH swore secretly Daq Jeremiah, ja'ta', As joH'a' yIn, 'Iv chenmoHta' maH vam qa', jIH DichDaq ghobe' lan SoH Daq Hegh, ghobe' DichDaq jIH nob SoH Daq the ghop vo' Dochvammey loDpu' 'Iv nej lIj yIn.
17 vaj ja'ta' Jeremiah Daq Zedekiah, Thus jatlhtaH joH'a', the joH'a' vo' Armies, the joH'a' vo' Israel: chugh SoH DichDaq jaH vo' Daq the joH vo' Babylon's joHHom, vaj lIj qa' DIchDaq yIn, je vam veng DIchDaq ghobe' taH meQpu' tlhej qul; je SoH DIchDaq yIn, je lIj tuq.
18 'ach chugh SoH DichDaq ghobe' jaH vo' Daq the joH vo' Babylon's joHHom, vaj DIchDaq vam veng taH nobpu' Daq the ghop vo' the Chaldeans, je chaH DIchDaq meQ 'oH tlhej qul, je SoH DIchDaq ghobe' escape pa' vo' chaj ghop.
19 Zedekiah the joH ja'ta' Daq Jeremiah, jIH 'oH vIp vo' the Jews 'Iv 'oH fallen DoH Daq the Chaldeans, lest chaH toD jIH Daq chaj ghop, je chaH mock jIH.
20 'ach Jeremiah ja'ta', chaH DIchDaq ghobe' toD SoH. Obey, jIH beg SoH, the ghogh vo' joH'a', Daq vetlh nuq jIH jatlh Daq SoH: vaj 'oH DIchDaq taH QaQ tlhej SoH, je lIj qa' DIchDaq yIn.
25 'ach chugh the joHHom Qoy vetlh jIH ghaj talked tlhej SoH, je chaH ghoS Daq SoH, je ja' SoH, Declare Daq maH DaH nuq SoH ghaj ja'ta' Daq the joH; yImev So' 'oH vo' maH, je maH DichDaq ghobe' lan SoH Daq Hegh; je nuq the joH ja'ta' Daq SoH:
26 vaj SoH DIchDaq ja' chaH, jIH presented wIj supplication qaSpa' the joH, vetlh ghaH would ghobe' cause jIH Daq chegh Daq Jonathan's tuq, Daq Hegh pa'.
27 vaj ghoSta' Hoch the joHHom Daq Jeremiah, je tlhobta' ghaH; je ghaH ja'ta' chaH according Daq Hoch Dochvammey mu'mey vetlh the joH ghajta' ra'ta'. vaj chaH poS litHa' speaking tlhej ghaH; vaD the matter ghaHta' ghobe' perceived.
28 vaj Jeremiah abode Daq the bo'DIj vo' the guard until the jaj vetlh Jerusalem ghaHta' tlhappu'.