1 The fifth Duy ghumta', je jIH leghta' a Hov vo' the sky nuq ghajta' fallen Daq the tera'. The key Daq the pit vo' the abyss ghaHta' nobpu' Daq ghaH.
2 ghaH poSmaHpu' the pit vo' the abyss, je tlhIch mejta' Dung pa' vo' the pit, rur the tlhIch vo' a { Note: TR cheltaH “ Dun” } burning furnace. The pemHov je the air were darkened because vo' the tlhIch vo' the pit.
3 vaj pa' vo' the tlhIch ghoSta' vo' locusts Daq the tera', je HoS ghaHta' nobpu' Daq chaH, as the scorpions vo' the tera' ghaj HoS.
4 chaH were ja'ta' vetlh chaH should ghobe' hurt the grass vo' the tera', ghobe' vay' SuD Doch, ghobe' vay' Sor, 'ach neH chaH ghotpu 'Iv yImev ghaj joH'a' seal Daq chaj foreheads.
5 chaH were nobpu' HoS ghobe' Daq HoH chaH, 'ach Daq torment chaH vaD vagh months. chaj torment ghaHta' rur the torment vo' a scorpion, ghorgh 'oH strikes a person.
6 Daq chaH jajmey ghotpu DichDaq nej Hegh, je DichDaq Daq ghobe' way tu' 'oH. chaH DichDaq neH Daq Hegh, je Hegh DichDaq Haw' vo' chaH.
7 The shapes vo' the locusts were rur horses prepared vaD veS. Daq chaj nachDu' were something rur golden crowns, je chaj faces were rur people's faces.
8 chaH ghajta' jIb rur women's jIb, je chaj teeth were rur chaH vo' lions.
10 chaH ghaj tails rur chaH vo' scorpions, je stings. Daq chaj tails chaH ghaj HoS Daq harm loDpu' vaD vagh months.
11 chaH ghaj Dung chaH as joH the Duy vo' the abyss. Daj pong Daq Hebrew ghaH “Abaddon,” { Note: “Abaddon” ghaH a Hebrew mu' vetlh means ruin, QIH, joq the Daq vo' QIH } 'ach Daq Greek, ghaH ghajtaH the pong “Apollyon.” { Note: “Apollyon” means “Destroyer.” }
12 The wa'Dich woe ghaH past. yIlegh, pa' 'oH vIHHa' cha' woes choltaH after vam.
13 The javDich Duy ghumta'. jIH Qoyta' a ghogh vo' the horns vo' the golden lalDanta' Daq nuq ghaH qaSpa' joH'a',
14 ja'ta' Daq the javDich Duy 'Iv ghajta' wa' trumpet, “Free the loS Duy''a'pu' 'Iv 'oH bagh Daq the Dun bIQtIQ Euphrates!”
15 The loS Duy''a'pu' were freed 'Iv ghajta' taH prepared vaD vetlh hour je jaj je jar je DIS, vaj vetlh chaH might HoH wa' wejDIch vo' mankind.
16 The mI' vo' the armies vo' the horsemen ghaHta' cha' vatlh million { Note: literally, “ wa'maH SaDmey vo' wa'maH SaDmey” } . jIH Qoyta' the mI' vo' chaH.
17 Thus jIH leghta' the horses Daq the leghtaHghach, je chaH 'Iv ba'ta' Daq chaH, ghajtaH breastplates vo' fiery Doq, hyacinth blue, je sulfur yellow; je the nachDu' vo' lions. pa' vo' chaj mouths proceed qul, tlhIch, je sulfur.
18 Sum Dochvammey wej plagues were wa' wejDIch vo' mankind HoHta': Sum the qul, the tlhIch, je the sulfur, nuq proceeded pa' vo' chaj mouths.
19 vaD the HoS vo' the horses ghaH Daq chaj mouths, je Daq chaj tails. vaD chaj tails 'oH rur serpents, je ghaj nachDu', je tlhej chaH chaH harm.
20 The leS vo' mankind, 'Iv were ghobe' HoHta' tlhej Dochvammey plagues, ta'be' repent vo' the vum vo' chaj ghopmey, vetlh chaH wouldn't lalDan toy' demons, je the idols vo' SuD baS, je vo' baS chIS, je vo' brass, je vo' nagh, je vo' wood; nuq laH ghobe' legh, ghobe' Qoy, ghobe' yIt.
21 chaH ta'be' repent vo' chaj murders, ghobe' vo' chaj sorceries, { Note: The mu' vaD “sorceries” (pharmakeia) je implies the use vo' potions, poisons, je drugs } ghobe' vo' chaj sexual immorality, ghobe' vo' chaj thefts.