1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
1 The nachDu' vo' the fathers' juHmey vo' the qorDu' vo' the puqpu' vo' Gilead, the puqloD vo' Machir, the puqloD vo' Manasseh, vo' the qorDu'pu' vo' the puqloDpu' vo' Joseph, ghoSta' Sum, je jatlhta' qaSpa' Moses, je qaSpa' the joHHom, the nachDu' vo' the fathers' juHmey vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel:
2 je chaH ja'ta', “ joH'a' ra'ta' wIj joH Daq nob the puH vaD inheritance Sum lot Daq the puqpu' vo' Israel: je wIj joH ghaHta' ra'ta' Sum joH'a' Daq nob the inheritance vo' Zelophehad maj loDnI' Daq Daj puqbe'pu'.
3 chugh chaH 'oH married Daq vay' vo' the puqloDpu' vo' the latlh tuqpu' vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel, vaj DichDaq chaj inheritance taH tlhappu' DoH vo' the inheritance vo' maj vavpu', je DichDaq taH chelta' Daq the inheritance vo' the tuq whereunto chaH DIchDaq belong: vaj DichDaq 'oH taH tlhappu' DoH vo' the lot vo' maj inheritance.
4 ghorgh the jubilee vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel DIchDaq taH, vaj DichDaq chaj inheritance taH chelta' Daq the inheritance vo' the tuq whereunto chaH DIchDaq belong: vaj DichDaq chaj inheritance taH tlhappu' DoH vo' the inheritance vo' the tuq vo' maj vavpu'.”
5 Moses ra'ta' the puqpu' vo' Israel according Daq the mu' vo' joH'a', ja'ta', “The tuq vo' the puqloDpu' vo' Joseph speaks nIH.
6 vam ghaH the Doch nuq joH'a' ta'taH ra'ta'ghach mu'mey concerning the puqbe'pu' vo' Zelophehad, ja'ta', chaw' chaH taH married Daq 'Iv chaH think best; neH Daq the qorDu' vo' the tuq vo' chaj vav DIchDaq chaH taH married.
7 vaj DIchDaq ghobe' inheritance vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel teq vo' tuq Daq tuq; vaD the puqpu' vo' Israel DIchDaq cleave Hoch Daq the inheritance vo' the tuq vo' Daj vavpu'.
8 Hoch puqbe', 'Iv possesses an inheritance Daq vay' tuq vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel, DIchDaq taH be'nal Daq wa' vo' the qorDu' vo' the tuq vo' Daj vav, vetlh the puqpu' vo' Israel may ghaj Hoch loD the inheritance vo' Daj vavpu'.
9 vaj DIchDaq ghobe' inheritance teq vo' wa' tuq Daq another tuq; vaD the tuqpu' vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel DIchDaq cleave Hoch Daq Daj ghaj inheritance.”
10 The puqbe'pu' vo' Zelophehad ta'ta' as joH'a' ra'ta' Moses:
11 vaD Mahlah, Tirzah, je Hoglah, je Milcah, je Noah, the puqbe'pu' vo' Zelophehad, were married Daq chaj vav brothers' puqloDpu'.
12 chaH were married Daq the qorDu'pu' vo' the puqloDpu' vo' Manasseh the puqloD vo' Joseph; je chaj inheritance remained Daq the tuq vo' the qorDu' vo' chaj vav.
13 Dochvammey 'oH the ra'ta'ghach mu'mey je the chutmey nuq joH'a' ra'ta' Sum Moses Daq the puqpu' vo' Israel Daq the plains vo' Moab Sum the Jordan Daq Jericho.