1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
2 DaH very early Daq the po, ghaH ghoSta' again Daq the lalDan qach, je Hoch the ghotpu ghoSta' Daq ghaH. ghaH ba'ta' bIng, je taught chaH.
3 The scribes je the Pharisees qempu' a be' tlhappu' Daq voqHa'moHlu'. ghajtaH cher Daj Daq the midst,
4 chaH ja'ta' ghaH, “Teacher, maH tu'ta' vam be' Daq voqHa'moHlu', Daq the very vang.
5 DaH Daq maj chut, Moses ra'ta' maH Daq nagh such. { Note: Leviticus 20:10; Deuteronomy 22:22 } nuq vaj ta' SoH jatlh about Daj?”
6 chaH ja'ta' vam testing ghaH, vetlh chaH might ghaj something Daq accuse ghaH vo'. 'ach Jesus stooped bIng, je wrote Daq the yav tlhej Daj finger.
7 'ach ghorgh chaH continued asking ghaH, ghaH nejta' Dung je ja'ta' Daq chaH, “ ghaH 'Iv ghaH Hutlh yem among SoH, chaw' ghaH throw the wa'Dich nagh Daq Daj.”
8 Again ghaH stooped bIng, je tlhej Daj finger wrote Daq the yav.
9 chaH, ghorgh chaH Qoyta' 'oH, taH convicted Sum chaj conscience, mejta' pa' wa' Sum wa', tagh vo' the oldest, 'ach Daq the last. Jesus ghaHta' poS mob tlhej the be' nuqDaq ghaH ghaHta', Daq the middle.
11 ghaH ja'ta', “ ghobe' wa', joH.” Jesus ja'ta', “ ghobe' ta' jIH condemn SoH. jaH lIj way. vo' DaH Daq, yem ghobe' latlh.”
12 Again, vaj, Jesus jatlhta' Daq chaH, ja'ta', “ jIH 'oH the wov vo' the qo'. { Note: Isaiah 60:1 } ghaH 'Iv tlha'taH jIH DichDaq ghobe' yIt Daq the HurghtaHghach, 'ach DichDaq ghaj the wov vo' yIn.”
13 The Pharisees vaj ja'ta' Daq ghaH, “ SoH testify about SoH'egh. lIj testimony ghaH ghobe' valid.”
14 Jesus jangta' chaH, “ 'ach chugh jIH testify about jIH'egh, wIj testimony ghaH true, vaD jIH Sov nuqDaq jIH ghoSta' vo', je nuqDaq jIH 'oH ghoS; 'ach SoH yImev Sov nuqDaq jIH ghoSta' vo', joq nuqDaq jIH 'oH ghoS.
15 SoH noH according Daq the ghab. jIH noH ghobe' wa'.
16 'ach chugh jIH ta' noH, wIj yoj ghaH true, vaD jIH 'oH ghobe' mob, 'ach jIH 'oH tlhej the vav 'Iv ngeHta' jIH.
20 Jesus jatlhta' Dochvammey mu'mey Daq the treasury, as ghaH taught Daq the lalDan qach. Yet ghobe' wa' arrested ghaH, because Daj hour ghajta' ghobe' yet ghoS.
21 Jesus ja'ta' vaj again Daq chaH, “ jIH 'oH ghoS DoH, je SoH DichDaq nej jIH, je SoH DichDaq Hegh Daq lIj yemmey. nuqDaq jIH jaH, SoH ta'laHbe' ghoS.”
24 jIH ja'ta' vaj Daq SoH vetlh SoH DichDaq Hegh Daq lIj yemmey; vaD unless SoH Har vetlh jIH 'oH { Note: joq, jIH 'oH } ghaH, SoH DichDaq Hegh Daq lIj yemmey.”
25 chaH ja'ta' vaj Daq ghaH, “ 'Iv 'oH SoH?” Jesus ja'ta' Daq chaH, “Just nuq jIH ghaj taH ja'ta' Daq SoH vo' the tagh.
26 jIH ghaj law' Dochmey Daq jatlh je Daq noH concerning SoH. However ghaH 'Iv ngeHta' jIH ghaH true; je the Dochmey nuq jIH Qoyta' vo' ghaH, Dochvammey jIH jatlh Daq the qo'.”
27 chaH ta'be' understand vetlh ghaH jatlhta' Daq chaH about the vav.
28 Jesus vaj ja'ta' Daq chaH, “ ghorgh SoH ghaj qengta' Dung the puqloD vo' loD, vaj SoH DichDaq Sov vetlh jIH 'oH ghaH, je jIH ta' pagh vo' jIH'egh, 'ach as wIj vav taught jIH, jIH jatlh Dochvammey Dochmey.
29 ghaH 'Iv ngeHta' jIH ghaH tlhej jIH. The vav ghajbe' poS jIH mob, vaD jIH always ta' the Dochmey vetlh 'oH pleasing Daq ghaH.”
30 As ghaH jatlhta' Dochvammey Dochmey, law' Harta' Daq ghaH.
37 jIH Sov vetlh SoH 'oH Abraham's tIr, yet SoH nej Daq HoH jIH, because wIj mu' finds ghobe' Daq Daq SoH.
38 jIH jatlh the Dochmey nuq jIH ghaj leghpu' tlhej wIj vav; je SoH je ta' the Dochmey nuq SoH ghaj leghpu' tlhej lIj vav.”
39 chaH jangta' ghaH, “ maj vav ghaH Abraham.” Jesus ja'ta' Daq chaH, “ chugh SoH were Abraham's puqpu', SoH would ta' the vum vo' Abraham.
40 'ach DaH SoH nej Daq HoH jIH, a loD 'Iv ghajtaH ja'ta' SoH the vIt, nuq jIH Qoyta' vo' joH'a'. Abraham ta'be' ta' vam.
41 SoH ta' the vum vo' lIj vav.” chaH ja'ta' Daq ghaH, “ maH were ghobe' bogh vo' sexual immorality. maH ghaj wa' vav, joH'a'.”
42 vaj Jesus ja'ta' Daq chaH, “ chugh joH'a' were lIj vav, SoH would muSHa' jIH, vaD jIH ghoSta' pa' je ghaj ghoS vo' joH'a'. vaD jIH ghajbe' ghoS vo' jIH'egh, 'ach ghaH ngeHta' jIH.
44 SoH 'oH vo' lIj vav, the devil, je SoH want Daq ta' the desires vo' lIj vav. ghaH ghaHta' a chotwI' vo' the tagh, je ta'be' Qam Daq the vIt, because pa' ghaH ghobe' vIt Daq ghaH. ghorgh ghaH speaks a Qot, ghaH speaks Daq Daj ghaj; vaD ghaH ghaH a liar, je its vav.
45 'ach because jIH ja' the vIt, SoH yImev Har jIH.
46 nuq vo' SoH convicts jIH vo' yem? chugh jIH ja' the vIt, qatlh ta' SoH ghobe' Har jIH?
47 ghaH 'Iv ghaH vo' joH'a' hears the mu'mey vo' joH'a'. vaD vam cause SoH yImev Qoy, because SoH 'oH ghobe' vo' joH'a'.”
48 vaj the Jews jangta' ghaH, “ yImev maH jatlh QaQ vetlh SoH 'oH a Samaritan, je ghaj a demon?”
49 Jesus jangta', “ jIH yImev ghaj a demon, 'ach jIH quv wIj vav, je SoH dishonor jIH.
50 'ach jIH yImev nej wIj ghaj batlh. pa' ghaH wa' 'Iv seeks je judges.
51 HochHom certainly, jIH ja' SoH, chugh a person keeps wIj mu', ghaH DichDaq never legh Hegh.”
52 vaj the Jews ja'ta' Daq ghaH, “ DaH maH Sov vetlh SoH ghaj a demon. Abraham Heghta', je the leghwI'pu'; je SoH jatlh, ‘ chugh a loD keeps wIj mu', ghaH DichDaq never taste vo' Hegh.'
53 'oH SoH greater than maj vav, Abraham, 'Iv Heghta'? The leghwI'pu' Heghta'. 'Iv ta' SoH chenmoH SoH'egh pa' Daq taH?”
54 Jesus jangta', “ chugh jIH glorify jIH'egh, wIj batlh ghaH pagh. 'oH ghaH wIj vav 'Iv glorifies jIH, vo' 'Iv SoH jatlh vetlh ghaH ghaH maj joH'a'.
55 SoH ghaj ghobe' Sovta' ghaH, 'ach jIH Sov ghaH. chugh jIH ja'ta', ‘ jIH yImev Sov ghaH,' jIH would taH rur SoH, a liar. 'ach jIH Sov ghaH, je pol Daj mu'.
56 lIj vav Abraham rejoiced Daq legh wIj jaj. ghaH leghta' 'oH, je ghaHta' Quchqu'.”
57 The Jews vaj ja'ta' Daq ghaH, “ SoH 'oH ghobe' yet vaghmaH DISmey qan, je ghaj SoH leghpu' Abraham?”
58 Jesus ja'ta' Daq chaH, “ HochHom certainly, jIH ja' SoH, qaSpa' Abraham ghoSta' Daq existence, jIH 'oH. { Note: joq, jIH 'oH } ”
59 vaj chaH tlhapta' Dung naghmey Daq throw Daq ghaH, 'ach Jesus ghaHta' hidden, je mejta' pa' vo' the lalDan qach, ghajtaH ghoSta' vegh the midst vo' chaH, je vaj juSta' Sum.