1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
3 SoH 'oH already pruned Say because vo' the mu' nuq jIH ghaj jatlhpu' Daq SoH.
4 Remain Daq jIH, je jIH Daq SoH. As the branch ta'laHbe' SIQ baQ Sum itself, unless 'oH remains Daq the vine, vaj ghobe' laH SoH, unless SoH remain Daq jIH.
5 jIH 'oH the vine. SoH 'oH the branches. ghaH 'Iv remains Daq jIH, je jIH Daq ghaH, the rap bears 'ar baQ, vaD apart vo' jIH SoH laH ta' pagh.
6 chugh a loD ta'be' remain Daq jIH, ghaH ghaH thrown pa' as a branch, je ghaH withered; je chaH tay'moH chaH, throw chaH Daq the qul, je chaH 'oH meQpu'.
7 chugh SoH remain Daq jIH, je wIj mu'mey remain Daq SoH, SoH DichDaq tlhob whatever SoH neH, je 'oH DichDaq taH ta'pu' vaD SoH.
9 'ach as the vav ghajtaH loved jIH, jIH je ghaj loved SoH. Remain Daq wIj muSHa'.
10 chugh SoH pol wIj ra'ta'ghach mu'mey, SoH DichDaq remain Daq wIj muSHa'; 'ach as jIH ghaj polta' wIj vav ra'ta'ghach mu'mey, je remain Daq Daj muSHa'.
11 jIH ghaj jatlhpu' Dochvammey Dochmey Daq SoH, vetlh wIj Quch may remain Daq SoH, je vetlh lIj Quch may taH chenmoHta' teblu'ta'.
12 “ vam ghaH wIj ra'ta'ghach mu', vetlh SoH muSHa' wa' another, 'ach as jIH ghaj loved SoH.
13 Greater muSHa' ghajtaH ghobe' wa' than vam, vetlh someone lay bIng Daj yIn vaD Daj friends.
14 SoH 'oH wIj friends, chugh SoH ta' whatever jIH ra'ta'ghach mu'mey SoH.
15 ghobe' longer ta' jIH ja' SoH toy'wI'pu', vaD the toy'wI' ta'be' Sov nuq Daj joH ta'taH. 'ach jIH ghaj ja' SoH friends, vaD everything vetlh jIH Qoyta' vo' wIj vav, jIH ghaj chenmoHta' Sovta' Daq SoH.
16 SoH ta'be' choose jIH, 'ach jIH chose SoH, je wIv SoH, vetlh SoH should jaH je SIQ baQ, je vetlh lIj baQ should remain; vetlh whatever SoH DichDaq tlhob vo' the vav Daq wIj pong, ghaH may nob 'oH Daq SoH.
17 “ jIH ra'ta'ghach mu'mey Dochvammey Dochmey Daq SoH, vetlh SoH may muSHa' wa' another.
18 chugh the qo' muS SoH, SoH Sov vetlh 'oH ghajtaH hated jIH qaSpa' 'oH hated SoH.
19 chugh SoH were vo' the qo', the qo' would muSHa' its ghaj. 'ach because SoH 'oH ghobe' vo' the qo', since jIH chose SoH pa' vo' the qo', vaj the qo' muS SoH.
20 qaw the mu' vetlh jIH ja'ta' Daq SoH: ‘A toy'wI' ghaH ghobe' greater than Daj joH.' { Note: John 13:16 } chugh chaH persecuted jIH, chaH DichDaq je persecute SoH. chugh chaH polta' wIj mu', chaH DichDaq pol yours je.
21 'ach Hoch Dochvammey Dochmey DichDaq chaH ta' Daq SoH vaD wIj pong chIch, because chaH yImev Sov ghaH 'Iv ngeHta' jIH.
22 chugh jIH ghajta' ghobe' ghoS je jatlhpu' Daq chaH, chaH would ghobe' ghaj ghajta' yem; 'ach DaH chaH ghaj ghobe' excuse vaD chaj yem.
23 ghaH 'Iv muS jIH, muS wIj vav je.
24 chugh jIH hadn't ta'pu' among chaH the vum nuq ghobe' wa' else ta'ta', chaH wouldn't ghaj ghajta' yem. 'ach DaH ghaj chaH leghpu' je je hated both jIH je wIj vav.
25 'ach vam qaSta' vaj vetlh the mu' may taH fulfilled nuq ghaHta' ghItlhta' Daq chaj chut, ‘ chaH hated jIH Hutlh a cause.' { Note: Psalms 35:19; 69:4 }
26 “ ghorgh the Counselor { Note: Greek Parakletos: Counselor, Helper, Advocate, Intercessor, je Comfortor. } ghajtaH ghoS, 'Iv jIH DichDaq ngeH Daq SoH vo' the vav, the qa' vo' vIt, 'Iv proceeds vo' the vav, ghaH DichDaq testify about jIH.
27 SoH DichDaq je testify, because SoH ghaj taH tlhej jIH vo' the tagh.