5 The Pharisees je the scribes tlhobta' ghaH, “ qatlh yImev lIj ghojwI'pu' yIt according Daq the tradition vo' the quppu', 'ach Sop chaj tIr Soj tlhej unwashed ghopmey?”
7 'ach Daq lI'be' ta' chaH lalDan toy' jIH, teaching as doctrines the ra'ta'ghach mu'mey vo' loDpu'.' { Note: Isaiah 29:13 }
8 “ vaD SoH cher aside the ra'ta'ghach mu' vo' joH'a', je 'uch tightly Daq the tradition vo' loDpu'—the washing vo' pitchers je cups, je SoH ta' law' latlh such Dochmey.”
9 ghaH ja'ta' Daq chaH, “ teblu'ta' QaQ ta' SoH reject the ra'ta'ghach mu' vo' joH'a', vetlh SoH may pol lIj tradition.
19 because 'oH ta'be' jaH Daq Daj tIq, 'ach Daq Daj stomach, vaj Daq the latrine, thus purifying Hoch foods { Note: joq, making Hoch foods Say } ?”
20 ghaH ja'ta', “ vetlh nuq proceeds pa' vo' the loD, vetlh defiles the loD.
21 vaD vo' within, pa' vo' the tIQDu' vo' loDpu', proceed mIghtaHghach thoughts, adulteries, sexual yemmey, murders, thefts,
22 covetings, mIghtaHghach, deceit, lustful desires, an mIghtaHghach mIn, blasphemy, pride, je foolishness.
23 Hoch Dochvammey mIghtaHghach Dochmey ghoS vo' within, je defile the loD.”
24 vo' pa' ghaH Hu', je mejta' DoH Daq the veHmey vo' Tyre je Sidon. ghaH 'elta' Daq a tuq, je ta'be' want anyone Daq Sov 'oH, 'ach ghaH couldn't escape notice.
25 vaD a be', 'Iv mach puqbe' ghajta' an Say'Ha' qa', ghajtaH Qoyta' vo' ghaH, ghoSta' je pumta' bIng Daq Daj qamDu'.
26 DaH the be' ghaHta' a Greek, a Syrophoenician Sum race. ghaH begged ghaH vetlh ghaH would chuH the demon pa' vo' Daj puqbe'.
27 'ach Jesus ja'ta' Daq Daj, “ chaw' the puqpu' taH tebta' wa'Dich, vaD 'oH ghaH ghobe' appropriate Daq tlhap the children's tIr Soj je throw 'oH Daq the dogs.”
28 'ach ghaH jangta' ghaH, “ HIja', joH. Yet 'ach the dogs bIng the SopDaq Sop the children's crumbs.”
29 ghaH ja'ta' Daq Daj, “ vaD vam ja'ta', jaH lIj way. The demon ghajtaH ghoSta' pa' vo' lIj puqbe'.”
30 ghaH mejta' DoH Daq Daj tuq, je tu'ta' the puq ghajtaH taH laid Daq the bed, tlhej the demon ghoSta' pa'.
31 Again ghaH departed vo' the veHmey vo' Tyre je Sidon, je ghoSta' Daq the biQ'a' vo' Galilee, vegh the midst vo' the region vo' Decapolis.