7 Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.
1 DaH Ahab ghajta' seventy puqloDpu' Daq Samaria. Jehu wrote letters, je ngeHta' Daq Samaria, Daq the DevwIpu' vo' Jezreel, 'ach the quppu', je Daq chaH 'Iv qempu' Dung the puqloDpu' vo' Ahab, ja'ta',
2 “ DaH as soon as vam letter choltaH Daq SoH, since lIj master's puqloDpu' 'oH tlhej SoH, je pa' 'oH tlhej SoH Dujmey je horses, a fortified veng je, je armor.
3 Select the best je fittest vo' lIj master's puqloDpu', cher ghaH Daq Daj vav quS'a', je Suv vaD lIj master's tuq.”
4 'ach chaH were exceedingly vIp, je ja'ta', “ yIlegh, the cha' joHpu' ta'be' Qam qaSpa' ghaH! chay' vaj DIchDaq maH Qam?”
5 ghaH 'Iv ghaHta' Dung the household, je ghaH 'Iv ghaHta' Dung the veng, the quppu' je, je chaH 'Iv raised the puqpu', ngeHta' Daq Jehu, ja'ta', “ maH 'oH lIj toy'wI'pu', je DichDaq ta' Hoch vetlh SoH tlhob maH. maH DichDaq ghobe' chenmoH vay' loD joH. SoH ta' vetlh nuq ghaH QaQ Daq lIj mInDu'.”
6 vaj ghaH wrote a letter the cha'DIch poH Daq chaH, ja'ta', “ chugh SoH 'oH Daq wIj retlh, je chugh SoH DichDaq 'Ij Daq wIj ghogh, tlhap the nachDu' vo' the loDpu' lIj master's puqloDpu', je ghoS Daq jIH Daq Jezreel Sum wa'leS vam poH.” DaH the joH puqloDpu', taH seventy persons, were tlhej the Dun loDpu' vo' the veng, 'Iv qempu' chaH Dung.
7 'oH qaSta', ghorgh the letter ghoSta' Daq chaH, vetlh chaH tlhapta' the joH puqloDpu', je HoHta' chaH, 'ach seventy persons, je lan chaj nachDu' Daq baskets, je ngeHta' chaH Daq ghaH Daq Jezreel.
8 A messenger ghoSta', je ja'ta' ghaH, “ chaH ghaj qempu' the nachDu' vo' the joH puqloDpu'.” ghaH ja'ta', “Lay chaH Daq cha' heaps Daq the entrance vo' the lojmIt until the po.”
9 'oH qaSta' Daq the po, vetlh ghaH mejta' pa', je Qampu', je ja'ta' Daq Hoch the ghotpu, “ SoH 'oH QaQtaHghach. yIlegh, jIH conspired Daq wIj pIn, je HoHta' ghaH; 'ach 'Iv struck Hoch Dochvammey?
10 Sov DaH vetlh pagh DIchDaq pum Daq the tera' vo' the mu' vo' joH'a', nuq joH'a' jatlhta' concerning the tuq vo' Ahab. vaD joH'a' ghajtaH ta'pu' vetlh nuq ghaH jatlhta' Sum Daj toy'wI' Elijah.”
11 vaj Jehu struck Hoch vetlh remained vo' the tuq vo' Ahab Daq Jezreel, tlhej Hoch Daj Dun loDpu', Daj familiar friends, je Daj lalDan vumwI'pu', until ghaH poS ghaH pagh remaining.
12 ghaH Hu' je departed, je mejta' Daq Samaria. As ghaH ghaHta' Daq the shearing tuq vo' the shepherds Daq the way,
13 Jehu met tlhej the loDnI'pu' vo' Ahaziah joH vo' Judah, je ja'ta', “ 'Iv 'oH SoH?” chaH jangta', “ maH 'oH the loDnI'pu' vo' Ahaziah. maH 'oH ghoS bIng Daq greet the puqpu' vo' the joH je the puqpu' vo' the queen.”
17 ghorgh ghaH ghoSta' Daq Samaria, ghaH struck Hoch 'Iv remained Daq Ahab Daq Samaria, until ghaH ghajta' Qaw'ta' ghaH, according Daq the mu' vo' joH'a', nuq ghaH jatlhta' Daq Elijah.
18 Jehu boSta' Hoch the ghotpu tay', je ja'ta' Daq chaH, “Ahab served Baal a mach; 'ach Jehu DichDaq toy' ghaH 'ar.
19 DaH vaj ja' Daq jIH Hoch the leghwI'pu' vo' Baal, Hoch vo' Daj worshippers, je Hoch vo' Daj lalDan vumwI'pu'. chaw' pagh taH absent; vaD jIH ghaj a Dun sacrifice Daq Baal. 'Iv ghaH absent, ghaH DIchDaq ghobe' yIn.” 'ach Jehu ta'ta' 'oH Daq subtlety, intending vetlh ghaH might Qaw' the worshippers vo' Baal.
20 Jehu ja'ta', “Sanctify a Sagh yej vaD Baal!” chaH proclaimed 'oH.
21 Jehu ngeHta' vegh Hoch Israel; je Hoch the worshippers vo' Baal ghoSta', vaj vetlh pa' ghaHta' ghobe' a loD poS vetlh ta'be' ghoS. chaH ghoSta' Daq the tuq vo' Baal; je the tuq vo' Baal ghaHta' tebta' vo' wa' pItlh Daq another.
22 ghaH ja'ta' Daq ghaH 'Iv ghaHta' Dung the vestry, “ qem pa' robes vaD Hoch the worshippers vo' Baal!” ghaH qempu' robes pa' Daq chaH.
23 Jehu mejta' tlhej Jehonadab the puqloD vo' Rechab Daq the tuq vo' Baal. vaj ghaH ja'ta' Daq the worshippers vo' Baal, “Search, je legh vetlh pa' 'oH naDev tlhej SoH pagh vo' the toy'wI'pu' vo' joH'a', 'ach the worshippers vo' Baal neH.”
24 chaH mejta' Daq Daq nob nobmey je meQqu'pu' nobmey. DaH Jehu ghajta' wIv ghaH eighty loDpu' outside, je ja'ta', “ chugh vay' vo' the loDpu' 'Iv jIH qem Daq lIj ghopmey escape, ghaH 'Iv lets ghaH jaH, Daj yIn DIchDaq taH vaD the yIn vo' ghaH.”
25 'oH qaSta', as soon as ghaH ghajta' chenmoHta' an pItlh vo' cha'nob the meQqu'pu' cha'nob, vetlh Jehu ja'ta' Daq the guard je Daq the HoDpu', “ jaH Daq, je HoH chaH! chaw' pagh escape.” chaH struck chaH tlhej the edge vo' the 'etlh; je the guard je the HoDpu' chuH chaH pa', je mejta' Daq the veng vo' the tuq vo' Baal.
26 chaH qempu' pa' the pillars vetlh were Daq the tuq vo' Baal, je meQpu' chaH.
27 chaH broke bIng the pillar vo' Baal, je broke bIng the tuq vo' Baal, je chenmoHta' 'oH a latrine, Daq vam jaj.
28 Thus Jehu Qaw'ta' Baal pa' vo' Israel.
29 However vo' the yemmey vo' Jeroboam the puqloD vo' Nebat, tlhej nuq ghaH chenmoHta' Israel Daq yem, Jehu ta'be' mej vo' after chaH, Daq wit, the golden calves vetlh were Daq Bethel, je vetlh were Daq Dan.
30 joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Jehu, “Because SoH ghaj ta'pu' QaQ Daq executing vetlh nuq ghaH nIH Daq wIj mInDu', je ghaj ta'pu' Daq the tuq vo' Ahab according Daq Hoch vetlh ghaHta' Daq wIj tIq, lIj puqloDpu' vo' the fourth generation DIchDaq ba' Daq the quS'a' vo' Israel.”
31 'ach Jehu tlhapta' ghobe' heed Daq yIt Daq the chut vo' joH'a', the joH'a' vo' Israel, tlhej Hoch Daj tIq. ghaH ta'be' mej vo' the yemmey vo' Jeroboam, tlhej nuq ghaH chenmoHta' Israel Daq yem.
32 Daq chaH jajmey joH'a' taghta' Daq pe' litHa' vo' Israel; je Hazael struck chaH Daq Hoch the veHmey vo' Israel;
33 vo' the Jordan eastward, Hoch the puH vo' Gilead, the Gadites, je the Reubenites, je the Manassites, vo' Aroer, nuq ghaH Sum the ngech vo' the Arnon, 'ach Gilead je Bashan.
34 DaH the leS vo' the ta'mey vo' Jehu, je Hoch vetlh ghaH ta'ta', je Hoch Daj might, aren't chaH ghItlhta' Daq the paq vo' the chronicles vo' the joHpu' vo' Israel?