1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
1 vam ghaH the paq vo' the DISmey vo' Adam. Daq the jaj vetlh joH'a' created loD, ghaH chenmoHta' ghaH Daq joH'a' likeness.
2 ghaH created chaH male je female, je ghurtaH chaH, je ja' chaj pong “Adam,” { Note: “Adam” je “ loD” 'oH spelled tlhej the exact rap consonants Daq Hebrew, vaj vam laH taH correctly translated either way. } Daq the jaj ghorgh chaH were created.
3 Adam yInta' wa' vatlh wejmaH DISmey, je mojta' the vav vo' a puqloD Daq Daj ghaj likeness, after Daj image, je named ghaH Seth.
4 The jajmey vo' Adam after ghaH mojta' the vav vo' Seth were eight vatlh DISmey, je ghaH mojta' the vav vo' puqloDpu' je puqbe'pu'.
5 Hoch the jajmey vetlh Adam yInta' were Hut vatlh wejmaH DISmey, vaj ghaH Heghta'.
6 Seth yInta' wa' vatlh vagh DISmey, je mojta' the vav vo' Enosh.
7 Seth yInta' after ghaH mojta' the vav vo' Enosh eight vatlh Soch DISmey, je mojta' the vav vo' puqloDpu' je puqbe'pu'.
8 Hoch the jajmey vo' Seth were Hut vatlh cha' wa'maH DISmey, vaj ghaH Heghta'.
9 Enosh yInta' ninety DISmey, je mojta' the vav vo' Kenan.
10 Enosh yInta' after ghaH mojta' the vav vo' Kenan, eight vatlh fifteen DISmey, je mojta' the vav vo' puqloDpu' je puqbe'pu'.
11 Hoch the jajmey vo' Enosh were Hut vatlh vagh DISmey, vaj ghaH Heghta'.
12 Kenan yInta' seventy DISmey, je mojta' the vav vo' Mahalalel.
13 Kenan yInta' after ghaH mojta' the vav vo' Mahalalel eight vatlh loSmaH DISmey, je mojta' the vav vo' puqloDpu' je puqbe'pu'
14 je Hoch the jajmey vo' Kenan were Hut vatlh wa'maH DISmey, vaj ghaH Heghta'.
15 Mahalalel yInta' javmaH- vagh DISmey, je mojta' the vav vo' Jared.
16 Mahalalel yInta' after ghaH mojta' the vav vo' Jared eight vatlh wejmaH DISmey, je mojta' the vav vo' puqloDpu' je puqbe'pu'.
17 Hoch the jajmey vo' Mahalalel were eight vatlh ninety- vagh DISmey, vaj ghaH Heghta'.
18 Jared yInta' wa' vatlh javmaH- cha' DISmey, je mojta' the vav vo' Enoch.
19 Jared yInta' after ghaH mojta' the vav vo' Enoch eight vatlh DISmey, je mojta' the vav vo' puqloDpu' je puqbe'pu'.
20 Hoch the jajmey vo' Jared were Hut vatlh javmaH- cha' DISmey, vaj ghaH Heghta'.
21 Enoch yInta' javmaH- vagh DISmey, je mojta' the vav vo' Methuselah.
22 Enoch yItta' tlhej joH'a' after ghaH mojta' the vav vo' Methuselah wej vatlh DISmey, je mojta' the vav vo' puqloDpu' je puqbe'pu'.
23 Hoch the jajmey vo' Enoch were wej vatlh javmaH- vagh DISmey.
24 Enoch yItta' tlhej joH'a', je ghaH ghaHta' ghobe', vaD joH'a' tlhapta' ghaH.
25 Methuselah yInta' wa' vatlh eighty- Soch DISmey, je mojta' the vav vo' Lamech.
26 Methuselah yInta' after ghaH mojta' the vav vo' Lamech Soch vatlh eighty- cha' DISmey, je mojta' the vav vo' puqloDpu' je puqbe'pu'.
27 Hoch the jajmey vo' Methuselah were Hut vatlh javmaH- Hut DISmey, vaj ghaH Heghta'.
28 Lamech yInta' wa' vatlh eighty- cha' DISmey, je mojta' the vav vo' a puqloD,
29 je ghaH named ghaH Noah, ja'ta', “ vam rap DichDaq belmoH maH Daq maj vum je Daq the toil vo' maj ghopmey, because vo' the yav nuq joH'a' ghajtaH cursed.”
30 Lamech yInta' after ghaH mojta' the vav vo' Noah vagh vatlh ninety- vagh DISmey, je mojta' the vav vo' puqloDpu' je puqbe'pu'.
31 Hoch the jajmey vo' Lamech were Soch vatlh seventy- Soch DISmey, vaj ghaH Heghta'.
32 Noah ghaHta' vagh vatlh DISmey qan, je Noah mojta' the vav vo' Shem, Ham, je Japheth.