1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
2 “ jatlh Daq Aaron, je Daq Daj puqloDpu', je Daq Hoch the puqpu' vo' Israel, je jatlh Daq chaH: ‘ vam ghaH the Doch nuq joH'a' ghajtaH ra'ta',
3 Whatever loD pa' ghaH vo' the tuq vo' Israel, 'Iv kills a bull, joq lamb, joq goat, Daq the raQ, joq 'Iv kills 'oH outside the raQ,
4 je ghajbe' qempu' 'oH Daq the lojmIt vo' the juHHom vo' qep, Daq nob 'oH as an cha'nob Daq joH'a' qaSpa' the tabernacle vo' joH'a': 'Iw DIchDaq taH imputed Daq vetlh loD. ghaH ghajtaH shed 'Iw; je vetlh loD DIchDaq taH pe' litHa' vo' among Daj ghotpu.
5 vam ghaH Daq the pItlh vetlh the puqpu' vo' Israel may qem chaj nobmey, nuq chaH sacrifice Daq the poSmoH yotlh, vetlh chaH may qem chaH Daq joH'a', Daq the lojmIt vo' the juHHom vo' qep, Daq the lalDan vumwI', je sacrifice chaH vaD nobmey vo' roj nobmey Daq joH'a'.
6 The lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq sprinkle the 'Iw Daq the lalDanta' Daq vo' joH'a' Daq the lojmIt vo' the juHHom vo' qep, je meQ the ror vaD a bel aroma Daq joH'a'.
7 chaH DIchDaq ghobe' latlh sacrifice chaj nobmey Daq the goat idols, after nuq chaH play the naybe'wI'. vam DIchDaq taH a statute reH Daq chaH throughout chaj DISmey.'
8 “ SoH DIchDaq jatlh Daq chaH, ‘ vay' loD pa' ghaH vo' the tuq vo' Israel, joq vo' the novpu' 'Iv yIn as foreigners among chaH, 'Iv offers a meQqu'pu' cha'nob joq sacrifice,
9 je ta' taH' qem 'oH Daq the lojmIt vo' the juHHom vo' qep, Daq sacrifice 'oH Daq joH'a'; vetlh loD DIchDaq be pe' litHa' vo' Daj ghotpu.
10 “‘ vay' loD vo' the tuq vo' Israel, joq vo' the novpu' 'Iv yIn as foreigners among chaH, 'Iv eats vay' kind vo' 'Iw, jIH DichDaq cher wIj qab Daq vetlh qa' 'Iv eats 'Iw, je DichDaq pe' ghaH litHa' vo' among Daj ghotpu.
11 vaD the yIn vo' the ghab ghaH Daq the 'Iw; je jIH ghaj nobpu' 'oH Daq SoH Daq the lalDanta' Daq Daq chenmoH atonement vaD lIj qa'pu': vaD 'oH ghaH the 'Iw vetlh chen atonement Sum meq vo' the yIn.
12 vaj jIH ghaj ja'ta' Daq the puqpu' vo' Israel, “ ghobe' person among SoH DIchDaq Sop 'Iw, ghobe' DIchDaq vay' stranger 'Iv yIn as a foreigner among SoH Sop 'Iw.”
13 “‘Whatever loD pa' ghaH vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel, joq vo' the novpu' 'Iv yIn as foreigners among chaH, 'Iv takes Daq hunting vay' animal joq toQ vetlh may taH eaten; ghaH DIchDaq pour pa' its 'Iw, je So' 'oH tlhej dust.
14 vaD as Daq the yIn vo' Hoch ghab, its 'Iw ghaH tlhej its yIn: vaj jIH ja'ta' Daq the puqpu' vo' Israel, “ SoH DIchDaq ghobe' Sop the 'Iw vo' vay' kind vo' ghab; vaD the yIn vo' Hoch ghab ghaH its 'Iw. 'Iv eats 'oH DIchDaq taH pe' litHa'.”
15 “‘ Hoch person vetlh eats nuq dies vo' itself, joq vetlh nuq ghaH torn Sum Ha'DIbaH, whether ghaH ghaH native- bogh joq a foreigner, ghaH DIchDaq Seng Daj clothes, je bathe himself Daq bIQ, je taH Say'Ha' until the evening: vaj ghaH DIchDaq taH Say.