1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
2 “ ghorgh a loD DIchDaq ghaj a rising Daq Daj porgh's Dir, joq a scab, joq a bright spot, je 'oH becomes Daq the Dir vo' Daj body the rop'a' vo' leprosy, vaj ghaH DIchDaq taH qempu' Daq Aaron the lalDan vumwI', joq Daq wa' vo' Daj puqloDpu', the lalDan vumwI'pu':
3 je the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq examine the rop'a' Daq the Dir vo' the porgh: je chugh the jIb Daq the rop'a' ghajtaH tlhe'ta' chIS, je the appearance vo' the rop'a' ghaH deeper than the body's Dir, 'oH ghaH the rop'a' vo' leprosy; je the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq examine ghaH, je pronounce ghaH Say'Ha'.
4 chugh the bright spot ghaH chIS Daq the Dir vo' Daj porgh, je its appearance 'oHbe' deeper than the Dir, je its jIb ghajbe' tlhe'ta' chIS, vaj the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq isolate the infected person vaD Soch jajmey.
5 The lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq examine ghaH Daq the SochDIch jaj, je, yIlegh, chugh Daq Daj mInDu' the rop'a' ghaH arrested, je the rop'a' ghajbe' ngeH Daq the Dir, vaj the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq isolate ghaH vaD Soch latlh jajmey.
6 The lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq examine ghaH again Daq the SochDIch jaj; je yIlegh, chugh the rop'a' ghajtaH faded, je the rop'a' ghajbe' ngeH Daq the Dir, vaj the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq pronounce ghaH Say. 'oH ghaH a scab. ghaH DIchDaq Seng Daj clothes, je taH Say.
7 'ach chugh the scab spreads Daq the Dir, after ghaH ghajtaH shown himself Daq the lalDan vumwI' vaD Daj cleansing, ghaH DIchDaq cha' himself Daq the lalDan vumwI' again.
8 The lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq examine ghaH; je yIlegh, chugh the scab ghajtaH ngeH Daq the Dir, vaj the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq pronounce ghaH Say'Ha'. 'oH ghaH leprosy.
9 “ ghorgh the rop'a' vo' leprosy ghaH Daq a loD, vaj ghaH DIchDaq taH qempu' Daq the lalDan vumwI';
10 je the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq examine ghaH. yIlegh, chugh pa' ghaH a chIS rising Daq the Dir, je 'oH ghajtaH tlhe'ta' the jIb chIS, je pa' ghaH raw ghab Daq the rising,
11 'oH ghaH a chronic leprosy Daq the Dir vo' Daj porgh, je the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq pronounce ghaH Say'Ha'. ghaH DIchDaq ghobe' isolate ghaH, vaD ghaH ghaH Say'Ha'.
12 “ chugh the leprosy breaks pa' Hoch Dung the Dir, je the leprosy covers Hoch the Dir vo' the infected person vo' Daj nach 'ach Daq Daj qamDu', as Hop as 'oH appears Daq the lalDan vumwI';
13 vaj the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq examine ghaH; je, yIlegh, chugh the leprosy ghajtaH covered Hoch Daj ghab, ghaH DIchDaq pronounce ghaH Say vo' the rop'a'. 'oH ghajtaH Hoch tlhe'ta' chIS: ghaH ghaH Say.
15 The lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq examine the raw ghab, je pronounce ghaH Say'Ha': the raw ghab ghaH Say'Ha'. 'oH ghaH leprosy.
16 joq chugh the raw ghab turns again, je ghaH changed Daq chIS, vaj ghaH DIchDaq ghoS Daq the lalDan vumwI';
17 je the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq examine ghaH; je, yIlegh, chugh the rop'a' ghajtaH tlhe'ta' chIS, vaj the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq pronounce ghaH Say vo' the rop'a'. ghaH ghaH Say.
18 “ ghorgh the porgh ghajtaH a boil Daq its Dir, je 'oH ghajtaH healed,
19 je Daq the Daq vo' the boil pa' ghaH a chIS rising, joq a bright spot, reddish- chIS, vaj 'oH DIchDaq taH shown Daq the lalDan vumwI';
20 je the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq examine 'oH; je yIlegh, chugh its appearance ghaH lower than the Dir, je its jIb ghajtaH tlhe'ta' chIS, vaj the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq pronounce ghaH Say'Ha'. 'oH ghaH the rop'a' vo' leprosy. 'oH ghajtaH ghorta' pa' Daq the boil.
21 'ach chugh the lalDan vumwI' examines 'oH, je yIlegh, pa' 'oH ghobe' chIS jIb Daq 'oH, je 'oH 'oHbe' deeper than the Dir, 'ach ghaH dim, vaj the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq isolate ghaH Soch jajmey.
22 chugh 'oH spreads Daq the Dir, vaj the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq pronounce ghaH Say'Ha'. 'oH ghaH a rop'a'.
23 'ach chugh the bright spot stays Daq its Daq, je ghajbe' ngeH, 'oH ghaH the scar vo' the boil; je the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq pronounce ghaH Say.
24 “ joq ghorgh the porgh ghajtaH a meQ vo' qul Daq its Dir, je the raw ghab vo' the meQ becomes a bright spot, reddish- chIS, joq chIS,
25 vaj the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq examine 'oH; je yIlegh, chugh the jIb Daq the bright spot ghajtaH tlhe'ta' chIS, je its appearance ghaH deeper than the Dir; 'oH ghaH leprosy. 'oH ghajtaH ghorta' pa' Daq the burning, je the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq pronounce ghaH Say'Ha'. 'oH ghaH the rop'a' vo' leprosy.
26 'ach chugh the lalDan vumwI' examines 'oH, je yIlegh, pa' ghaH ghobe' chIS jIb Daq the bright spot, je 'oH 'oHbe' lower than the Dir, 'ach ghaH faded; vaj the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq isolate ghaH Soch jajmey.
27 The lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq examine ghaH Daq the SochDIch jaj. chugh 'oH ghajtaH ngeH Daq the Dir, vaj the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq pronounce ghaH Say'Ha'. 'oH ghaH the rop'a' vo' leprosy.
28 chugh the bright spot stays Daq its Daq, je ghajbe' ngeH Daq the Dir, 'ach ghaH faded, 'oH ghaH the swelling vo' the meQ, je the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq pronounce ghaH Say; vaD 'oH ghaH the scar vo' the meQ.
29 “ ghorgh a loD joq be' ghajtaH a rop'a' Daq the nach joq Daq the rol,
30 vaj the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq examine the rop'a'; je yIlegh, chugh its appearance ghaH deeper than the Dir, je the jIb Daq 'oH ghaH yellow je thin, vaj the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq pronounce ghaH Say'Ha': 'oH ghaH an itch, 'oH ghaH leprosy vo' the nach joq vo' the rol.
31 chugh the lalDan vumwI' examines the rop'a' vo' itching, je yIlegh, its appearance 'oHbe' deeper than the Dir, je pa' ghaH ghobe' black jIb Daq 'oH, vaj the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq isolate ghaH the person infected tlhej itching Soch jajmey.
32 Daq the SochDIch jaj the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq examine the rop'a'; je yIlegh, chugh the itch ghajbe' ngeH, je pa' ghaH ghobe' yellow jIb Daq 'oH, je the appearance vo' the itch 'oHbe' deeper than the Dir,
33 vaj ghaH DIchDaq taH shaved, 'ach ghaH DIchDaq ghobe' shave the itch; je the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq shut ghaH Dung 'Iv ghajtaH the itch Soch latlh jajmey.
34 Daq the SochDIch jaj, the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq examine the itch; je yIlegh, chugh the itch ghajbe' ngeH Daq the Dir, je its appearance 'oHbe' deeper than the Dir, vaj the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq pronounce ghaH Say. ghaH DIchDaq Seng Daj clothes, je taH Say.
35 'ach chugh the itch spreads Daq the Dir after Daj cleansing,
36 vaj the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq examine ghaH; je yIlegh, chugh the itch ghajtaH ngeH Daq the Dir, the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq ghobe' legh vaD the yellow jIb; ghaH ghaH Say'Ha'.
37 'ach chugh Daq Daj mInDu' the itch ghaH arrested, je black jIb ghajtaH grown Daq 'oH; the itch ghaH healed, ghaH ghaH Say. The lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq pronounce ghaH Say.
38 “ ghorgh a loD joq a be' ghajtaH bright spots Daq the Dir vo' the porgh, 'ach chIS bright spots;
39 vaj the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq examine chaH; je yIlegh, chugh the bright spots Daq the Dir vo' chaj porgh 'oH a dull chIS, 'oH ghaH a harmless rash, 'oH ghajtaH ghorta' pa' Daq the Dir; ghaH ghaH Say.
45 “The leper Daq 'Iv the rop'a' ghaH DIchDaq wear torn clothes, je the jIb vo' Daj nach DIchDaq hang loose. ghaH DIchDaq So' Daj upper lip, je DIchDaq SaQ, ‘ Say'Ha'! Say'Ha'!'
46 Hoch the jajmey Daq nuq the rop'a' ghaH Daq ghaH ghaH DIchDaq taH Say'Ha'. ghaH ghaH Say'Ha'. ghaH DIchDaq yIn mob. Outside vo' the raQ DIchDaq taH Daj dwelling.
47 “The garment je vetlh the rop'a' vo' leprosy ghaH Daq, whether 'oH ghaH a woolen garment, joq a linen garment;
49 chugh the rop'a' ghaH greenish joq reddish Daq the garment, joq Daq the Dir, joq Daq the warp, joq Daq the woof, joq Daq vay' chenmoHta' vo' Dir; 'oH ghaH the rop'a' vo' leprosy, je DIchDaq taH shown Daq the lalDan vumwI'.
50 The lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq examine the rop'a', je isolate the rop'a' Soch jajmey.
51 ghaH DIchDaq examine the rop'a' Daq the SochDIch jaj. chugh the rop'a' ghajtaH ngeH Daq the garment, either Daq the warp, joq Daq the woof, joq Daq the Dir, whatever use the Dir ghaH used vaD, the rop'a' ghaH a destructive mildew. 'oH ghaH Say'Ha'.
52 ghaH DIchDaq meQ the garment, whether the warp joq the woof, Daq wool joq Daq linen, joq vay' vo' Dir, Daq nuq the rop'a' ghaH: vaD 'oH ghaH a destructive mildew. 'oH DIchDaq taH meQpu' Daq the qul.
53 “ chugh the lalDan vumwI' examines 'oH, je yIlegh, the rop'a' ghajbe' ngeH Daq the garment, either Daq the warp, joq Daq the woof, joq Daq vay' vo' Dir;
54 vaj the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq ra'ta'ghach mu'mey vetlh chaH Seng the Doch Daq nuq the rop'a' ghaH, je ghaH DIchDaq isolate 'oH Soch latlh jajmey.
55 vaj the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq examine 'oH, after the rop'a' ghaH washed; je yIlegh, chugh the rop'a' ghajbe' changed its color, je the rop'a' ghajbe' ngeH, 'oH ghaH Say'Ha'; SoH DIchDaq meQ 'oH Daq the qul. 'oH ghaH a mildewed spot, whether the bareness ghaH inside joq outside.
56 chugh the lalDan vumwI' looks, je yIlegh, the rop'a' ghajtaH faded after 'oH ghaH washed, vaj ghaH DIchDaq tear 'oH pa' vo' the garment, joq pa' vo' the Dir, joq pa' vo' the warp, joq pa' vo' the woof:
57 je chugh 'oH appears again Daq the garment, either Daq the warp, joq Daq the woof, joq Daq vay' vo' Dir, 'oH ghaH spreading. SoH DIchDaq meQ tlhej qul vetlh Daq nuq the rop'a' ghaH.
58 The garment, either the warp, joq the woof, joq whatever Doch vo' Dir 'oH ghaH, nuq SoH DIchDaq Seng, chugh the rop'a' ghajtaH departed vo' chaH, vaj 'oH DIchDaq taH washed the cha'DIch poH, je 'oH DichDaq taH Say.”
59 vam ghaH the chut vo' the rop'a' vo' mildew Daq a garment vo' wool joq linen, either Daq the warp, joq the woof, joq Daq vay' vo' Dir, Daq pronounce 'oH Say, joq Daq pronounce 'oH Say'Ha'.