1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
2 “ jatlh Daq the puqpu' vo' Israel, ja'ta', ‘ chugh a taH' conceives, je bears a male puq, vaj ghaH DIchDaq be Say'Ha' Soch jajmey; as Daq the jajmey vo' Daj monthly period ghaH DIchDaq taH Say'Ha'.
3 Daq the eighth jaj the ghab vo' Daj foreskin DIchDaq taH circumcised.
4 ghaH DIchDaq continue Daq the 'Iw vo' purification wejmaH- wej jajmey. ghaH DIchDaq ghobe' touch vay' le' Doch, ghobe' ghoS Daq the Daq QaD, until the jajmey vo' Daj purifying 'oH completed.
5 'ach chugh ghaH bears a female puq, vaj ghaH DIchDaq taH Say'Ha' cha' weeks, as Daq Daj period; je ghaH DIchDaq continue Daq the 'Iw vo' purification javmaH- jav jajmey.
6 “‘ ghorgh the jajmey vo' Daj purification 'oH completed, vaD a puqloD, joq vaD a puqbe', ghaH DIchDaq qem Daq the lalDan vumwI' Daq the lojmIt vo' the juHHom vo' qep, a DIS qan lamb vaD a meQqu'pu' cha'nob, je a Qup pigeon, joq a turtledove, vaD a yem cha'nob:
7 je ghaH DIchDaq nob 'oH qaSpa' joH'a', je chenmoH atonement vaD Daj; je ghaH DIchDaq taH cleansed vo' the fountain vo' Daj 'Iw. “‘ vam ghaH the chut vaD Daj 'Iv bears, whether a male joq a female.
8 chugh ghaH cannot afford a lamb, vaj ghaH DIchDaq tlhap cha' turtledoves, joq cha' Qup pigeons; the wa' vaD a meQqu'pu' cha'nob, je the latlh vaD a yem cha'nob: je the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq chenmoH atonement vaD Daj, je ghaH DIchDaq taH Say.'”