7 Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.
13 ghaH ja' the pong vo' joH'a' 'Iv jatlhta' Daq Daj, “ SoH 'oH a joH'a' 'Iv sees,” vaD ghaH ja'ta', “ ghaj jIH 'ach stayed yIn after leghtaH ghaH?”
14 vaj the QaQ ghaHta' ja' Beer Lahai Roi. { Note: Beer Lahai Roi means “ QaQ vo' the wa' 'Iv yIn je sees jIH.” } yIlegh, 'oH ghaH joj Kadesh je Bered.
15 Hagar boghmoH a puqloD vaD Abram. Abram ja' the pong vo' Daj puqloD, 'Iv Hagar boghmoH, Ishmael.
16 Abram ghaHta' eighty- jav DISmey qan ghorgh Hagar boghmoH Ishmael Daq Abram.