1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
1 “ jIH 'oH inquired vo' Sum chaH 'Iv ta'be' tlhob; jIH 'oH tu'ta' Sum chaH 'Iv ta'be' nej jIH: jIH ja'ta', legh jIH, legh jIH, Daq a Hatlh vetlh ghaHta' ghobe' ja' Sum wIj pong.
2 jIH ghaj ngeH pa' wIj ghopmey Hoch the jaj Daq a lotlhqu' ghotpu, 'Iv yIt Daq a way vetlh ghaH ghobe' QaQ, after chaj ghaj thoughts;
3 a ghotpu 'Iv provoke jIH Daq wIj qab continually, sacrificing Daq wIjghachHommey, je burning He' Daq bricks;
4 'Iv ba' among the graves, je juH Daq the pegh Daqmey; 'Iv Sop pig's ghab, je broth vo' abominable Dochmey ghaH Daq chaj Dujmey;
5 'Iv jatlh, Qam Sum SoH'egh, yImev ghoS Sum Daq jIH, vaD jIH 'oH holier than SoH. Dochvammey 'oH a tlhIch Daq wIj nose, a qul vetlh burns Hoch the jaj.
6 “ yIlegh, 'oH ghaH ghItlhta' qaSpa' jIH: jIH DichDaq ghobe' pol tammoH, 'ach DichDaq recompense, HIja', jIH DichDaq recompense Daq chaj bosom,
7 lIj ghaj iniquities, je the iniquities vo' lIj vavpu' tay',” jatlhtaH joH'a', “ 'Iv ghaj meQpu' He' Daq the Hudmey, je blasphemed jIH Daq the hills; vaj DichDaq jIH wa'Dich juv chaj vum Daq chaj bosom.”
8 Thus jatlhtaH joH'a', “As the chu' HIq ghaH tu'ta' Daq the cluster, je wa' jatlhtaH, ‘ yImev Qaw' 'oH, vaD a blessing ghaH Daq 'oH:' vaj DichDaq jIH ta' vaD wIj servants' chIch, vetlh jIH may ghobe' Qaw' chaH Hoch.
9 jIH DichDaq qem vo' a tIr pa' vo' Jacob, je pa' vo' Judah an inheritor vo' wIj Hudmey; je wIj wIvpu' DIchDaq inherit 'oH, je wIj toy'wI'pu' DIchDaq yIn pa'.
10 Sharon DIchDaq taH a fold vo' flocks, je the ngech vo' Achor a Daq vaD herds Daq Qot bIng Daq, vaD wIj ghotpu 'Iv ghaj nejta' jIH.
11 “ 'ach SoH 'Iv lon joH'a', 'Iv forget wIj le' HuD, 'Iv ghuH a SopDaq vaD Fortune, je 'Iv fill Dung DuD HIq Daq Destiny;
12 jIH DichDaq destine SoH Daq the 'etlh, je SoH DIchDaq Hoch bow bIng Daq the HoHqu'; because ghorgh jIH ja', SoH ta'ta' ghobe' jang; ghorgh jIH jatlhta', SoH ta'ta' ghobe' Qoy; 'ach SoH ta'ta' vetlh nuq ghaHta' mIghtaHghach Daq wIj mInDu', je chose vetlh Daq nuq jIH ta'be' tIv.”
14 yIlegh, wIj toy'wI'pu' DIchDaq bom vaD Quch vo' tIq, 'ach SoH DIchDaq SaQ vaD QoSqu' vo' tIq, je DIchDaq wail vaD anguish vo' qa'.
15 SoH DIchDaq mej lIj pong vaD a mu'qaD Daq wIj wIvpu'; je the joH joH'a' DichDaq HoH SoH; je ghaH DichDaq ja' Daj toy'wI'pu' Sum another pong:
16 vaj vetlh ghaH 'Iv ghurmoHtaH himself Daq the tera' DIchDaq ghurmoH himself Daq the joH'a' vo' vIt; je ghaH 'Iv swears Daq the tera' DIchDaq swear Sum the joH'a' vo' vIt; because the former troubles 'oH forgotten, je because chaH 'oH hid vo' wIj mInDu'.
17 “ vaD, yIlegh, jIH create chu' chal je a chu' tera'; je the former Dochmey DIchDaq ghobe' taH remembered, ghobe' ghoS Daq yab.
18 'ach taH SoH Quchqu' je yItIv reH Daq vetlh nuq jIH create; vaD, yIlegh, jIH create Jerusalem a rejoicing, je Daj ghotpu a Quch.
19 jIH DichDaq yItIv Daq Jerusalem, je Quch Daq wIj ghotpu; je pa' DIchDaq taH Qoyta' Daq Daj ghobe' latlh the ghogh vo' weeping je the ghogh vo' crying.
20 “ pa' DIchDaq taH ghobe' latlh pa' an infant vo' jajmey, ghobe' an qan loD 'Iv ghajtaH ghobe' tebta' Daj jajmey; vaD the puq DIchDaq Hegh wa' vatlh DISmey qan, je the yemwI' taH wa' vatlh DISmey qan DIchDaq taH accursed.
21 chaH DIchDaq chen juHmey, je inhabit chaH; je chaH DIchDaq plant vineyards, je Sop the baQ vo' chaH.
22 chaH DIchDaq ghobe' chen, je another inhabit; chaH DIchDaq ghobe' plant, je another Sop: vaD as the jajmey vo' a Sor DIchDaq taH the jajmey vo' wIj ghotpu, je wIj wIvpu' DIchDaq tIq enjoy the vum vo' chaj ghopmey.
23 chaH DIchDaq ghobe' labor Daq lI'be', ghobe' qem vo' vaD calamity; vaD chaH 'oH the tIr vo' the ghurtaH vo' joH'a', je chaj offspring tlhej chaH.
24 'oH DIchDaq qaS vetlh, qaSpa' chaH ja', jIH DichDaq jang; je qaStaHvIS chaH 'oH yet speaking, jIH DichDaq Qoy.
25 The wolf je the lamb DIchDaq feed tay', je the HaDI'baH DIchDaq Sop straw rur the Qa'; je dust DIchDaq taH the serpent's Soj. chaH DIchDaq ghobe' hurt ghobe' Qaw' Daq Hoch wIj le' HuD,” jatlhtaH joH'a'.