1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
12 The ghotpu' DichDaq taH rur the burning vo' lime, rur thorns vetlh 'oH pe' bIng je meQpu' Daq the qul.
13 Qoy, SoH 'Iv 'oH Hop litHa', nuq jIH ghaj ta'pu'; je, SoH 'Iv 'oH Sum, acknowledge wIj might.”
14 The yemwI'pu' Daq Zion 'oH vIp. Trembling ghajtaH seized the godless ones. 'Iv among maH laH yIn tlhej the devouring qul? 'Iv among maH laH yIn tlhej everlasting burning?
15 ghaH 'Iv yIttaH righteously, je speaks blamelessly; ghaH 'Iv despises the gain vo' oppressions, 'Iv gestures tlhej Daj ghopmey, refusing Daq tlhap a bribe, 'Iv stops Daj qoghDu' vo' hearing vo' 'Iw, je shuts Daj mInDu' vo' leghtaH Daq mIghtaHghach—
19 SoH DichDaq ghobe' longer legh the fierce ghotpu, a ghotpu vo' a deep speech vetlh SoH ta'laHbe' comprehend, tlhej a strange language vetlh SoH ta'laHbe' understand.
20 legh Daq Zion, the veng vo' maj wIv festivals. lIj mInDu' DichDaq legh Jerusalem, a quiet juH, a juHHom vetlh won't taH teqta'. Its stakes DichDaq never taH plucked Dung, ghobe' DichDaq vay' vo' its cords taH ghorta'.
21 'ach pa' joH'a' DichDaq taH tlhej maH Daq majesty, a Daq vo' broad rivers je streams, Daq nuq ghobe' galley tlhej oars DichDaq jaH, ghobe' DichDaq vay' gallant Duj juS Sum pa'.
22 vaD joH'a' ghaH maj noH. joH'a' ghaH maj lawgiver. joH'a' ghaH maj joH. ghaH DichDaq toD maH.
23 lIj rigging ghaH untied. chaH couldn't strengthen the qam vo' chaj mast. chaH couldn't ngeH the sail. vaj the prey vo' a Dun non ghaHta' divided. The lame tlhapta' the prey.
24 The inhabitant won't jatlh, “ jIH 'oH rop.” The ghotpu 'Iv yIn therein DichDaq taH forgiven chaj He'taHghach.