7 Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.
1 vaD, yIlegh, the joH, joH'a' vo' Armies, takes DoH vo' Jerusalem je vo' Judah supply je support, the Hoch supply vo' tIr Soj, je the Hoch supply vo' bIQ;
2 the HoS loD, the loD vo' veS, the noH, the leghwI'pu', the diviner, the elder,
3 the HoD vo' vaghmaH, the honorable loD, the counselor, the po' craftsman, je the clever enchanter.
4 jIH DichDaq nob boys Daq taH chaj joHHom, je puqpu' DIchDaq rule Dung chaH.
5 The ghotpu DichDaq taH Suvta', Hoch Sum another, je Hoch Sum Daj jIl. The puq DichDaq behave himself proudly Daq the qan loD, je the base Daq the honorable.
6 Indeed a loD DIchDaq tlhap 'uch vo' Daj loDnI' Daq the tuq vo' Daj vav, ja'ta', “ SoH ghaj Sut, SoH taH maj ruler, je chaw' vam ruin taH bIng lIj ghop.”
7 Daq vetlh jaj ghaH DichDaq SaQ pa', ja'ta', jIH DichDaq ghobe' taH a healer; vaD Daq wIj tuq ghaH ghobe' tIr Soj ghobe' Sut. SoH DIchDaq ghobe' chenmoH jIH ruler vo' the ghotpu.
8 vaD Jerusalem ghaH ruined, je Judah ghaH fallen; because chaj jat je chaj ta'mey 'oH Daq joH'a', Daq provoke the mInDu' vo' Daj batlh.
9 The legh vo' chaj faces testify Daq chaH. chaH parade chaj yem rur Sodom. chaH yImev So' 'oH. Woe Daq chaj qa'! vaD chaH ghaj qempu' disaster upon themselves.
10 ja' the QaQtaHghach “ QaQ!” vaD chaH DIchDaq Sop the baQ vo' chaj deeds.
11 Woe Daq the mIgh! Disaster ghaH upon chaH; vaD the deeds vo' Daj ghopmey DichDaq taH paid DoH Daq ghaH.
12 As vaD wIj ghotpu, puqpu' 'oH chaj oppressors, je be'pu' rule Dung chaH. wIj ghotpu, chaH 'Iv Dev SoH cause SoH Daq err, je Qaw' the way vo' lIj Hemey.
13 joH'a' stands Dung Daq contend, je stands Daq noH the ghotpu'.
14 joH'a' DichDaq 'el Daq yoj tlhej the quppu' vo' Daj ghotpu, je chaj leaders: “ 'oH ghaH SoH 'Iv ghaj eaten Dung the HIq wIj. The non vo' the mIpHa' ghaH Daq lIj juHmey.
15 nuq ta' SoH mean vetlh SoH crush wIj ghotpu, je grind the qab vo' the mIpHa'?” jatlhtaH the joH, joH'a' vo' Armies.
16 Moreover joH'a' ja'ta', “Because the puqbe'pu' vo' Zion 'oH haughty, je yIt tlhej outstretched necks je flirting mInDu', walking Daq trip as chaH jaH, jingling ornaments Daq chaj qamDu';
17 vaj the joH brings 'oy'mey Daq the crown vo' the nach vo' the be'pu' vo' Zion, je joH'a' DichDaq chenmoH chaj scalps jIb ghajbe'.”
18 Daq vetlh jaj the joH DichDaq tlhap DoH the 'IhtaHghach vo' chaj anklets, the headbands, the crescent necklaces,
19 the earrings, the bracelets, the veils,
20 the headdresses, the ankle chains, the sashes, the perfume balmey, the charms,
21 the signet rings, the nose rings,
22 the fine robes, the capes, the cloaks, the purses,
23 the ghop mirrors, the fine linen garments, the tiaras, je the shawls.
24 'oH DIchDaq qaS vetlh instead vo' sweet spices, pa' DIchDaq taH rottenness; instead vo' a belt, a rope; instead vo' QaQ cher jIb, jIb ghajbe'; instead vo' a robe, a girding vo' sackcloth; je branding instead vo' 'IhtaHghach.
25 lIj loDpu' DIchDaq pum Sum the 'etlh, je lIj HoS Daq the veS.
26 Daj lojmItmey DIchDaq lament je mourn; je ghaH DIchDaq taH moB je ba' Daq the yav.