18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
20 But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
1¶ BIKPELA i bosim kingdom. Larim dispela graun i amamas tru. Larim ol ailan i planti tru i stap belgut long dispela.
2Ol klaut na tudak i stap nabaut long Em. Stretpela pasin na stretpela kot i stap ples sia king bilong Em i stap.
3Paia i go pas long Em na i kukim ol birua bilong Em nabaut nabaut.
4Ol lait bilong Em i kam long klaut i pairap ol i givim lait long dispela graun. Dispela graun i lukim na i guria.
5Long pes bilong BIKPELA, long pes bilong Bikpela bilong dispela graun olgeta, ol liklik maunten i kamap wara olsem gris bilong kandel.
6Ol heven i tokaut long stretpela pasin bilong Em. Na olgeta manmeri i lukim glori bilong Em.
7Olgeta man i mekim wok long ol piksa god ol i bin wokim, em ol man ol yet i tok hambak bilong bihainim ol god giaman. Yupela olgeta god, yupela i mas lotuim Em.
8¶ O BIKPELA, Saion i bin harim, na em i belgut. Na ol pikinini meri bilong Juda i bin amamas tru, long wanem ol i lukim ol tok bilong pe bilong kot bilong Yu.
9Long wanem Yu, BIKPELA, Yu stap antap tru long olgeta hap bilong dispela graun. Ol i bin litimapim Yu antap tru antap long olgeta god.
10Yupela husat i laikim tru BIKPELA, yupela i mas no laikim tru pasin nogut. Em i save lukautim i stap ol tewel bilong ol seint bilong En. Em i save kisim bek ol long han bilong ol man i nogut tru.
11Em i bin tromoi nabaut lait bilong helpim ol stretpela man, na belgut bilong helpim ol man i mekim stretpela pasin long bel.
12Yupela stretpela man, yupela i mas amamas tru long BIKPELA. Na yupela i mas givim tok tenkyu taim yupela tingim gen pasin holi bilong Em.