18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
20 But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
1¶ BIKPELA i bosim kingdom. Larim ol manmeri i guria. Em i save sindaun namel long ol serup. Larim dispela graun i ken surik.
2BIKPELA i stap bikpela long Saion. Na Em i stap antap tru long olgeta manmeri.
3Larim ol i litimapim nem bilong Yu, em i bikpela na em i samting bilong pretim man. Long wanem em i holi.
4Strong bilong king i laikim tru stretpela kot tu. Yu save strongim stretpela pasin i wankain long olgeta man. Yu save mekim stretpela kot na stretpela pasin long lain bilong Jekop.
5Yupela i mas litimapim BIKPELA, em God bilong yumi. Na yupela i mas lotu klostu long sia bilong lek bilong Em. Long wanem Em i holi.
6¶ Moses na Aron i stap namel long ol pris bilong Em, na Samuel i stap namel long ol man i singaut long nem bilong Em. Ol i bin singaut long BIKPELA, na Em i bin bekim tok long ol.
7Em i bin toktok long ol long klaut i olsem pos. Ol i bin holimpas long ol testimoni bilong Em na lo Em i bin makim na givim ol.
8O BIKPELA, em God bilong mipela, Yu bin bekim tok long ol. Yu stap God i bin lusim sin bilong ol, tasol Yu bin bekim pe long ol samting ol i bin kirapim .
9Yupela i mas litimapim BIKPELA, em God bilong yumi. Na yupela i mas lotu long liklik maunten holi bilong Em. Long wanem BIKPELA, em God bilong yumi, Em i holi.